The phoniness of the hand wringing over the Syrian refugee crisis has been exposed by the reactions of those most in a position to do something about it.
While American liberals slam Republicans as bigots due to them warning about the security risks of allowing thousands of unvetted immigrants into the US, they are conspicuously silent about the refusal of Muslim countries to grant sanctuary to refugees.
In fact, despite being relatively close to the chaos, the Arab Gulf states of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have allowed zero refugees to enter their borders.
Ironically the Gulf countries state that they cannot admit refugees because of the risk that terrorists will sneak into the country, an argument made by conservatives here in the US. Wonder how long it will be before some liberal says they are racist for doing so.
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They immigrate, impregnate, and over populate, and take over each country they set forth in, when will governments learn.
Is it not a little strange that neighboring countries won’t take these people ? I mean if Canada had something awful happen & we wouldn’t take Canadians who are our neighbors & speak the same language & have the same customs wouldn’t people find that weird ? Yet our government thinks it’s so normal that the NO COUNTRIES in the Middle East will accept Syrians . It’s the real riddle of the Sphinx !
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We’re not ignoring it Democrats and Republicans know it and are doing nothing about it which means they are just as guilty as obama. They know Trump will put a stop to it and that is why they are fighting so hard to get rid of him. Trump can
Then why are we admitting them?
There are reasons to deny these refugees and these countries know why.
the r way smarter then our osama been lying
I’m afraid for Trump’s life. These a$$hole murderers will stop at nothing to make him go away, and win it for themselves.
Ok! Hm!