Wearing his police shirt and trousers, Mohammad Arshad, a Bedfordshire Police in training, would drive his Mercedes around Luton, seeking out young girls for sex. The thirty-five year old Muslim man was suspended from the force immediately after one of his victims came forward.
Mohammad Arshad would utilize social media, such as Facebook, to befriend and groom the girls before meeting up with them. One of his victims, a 14-year-old girl was raped in the back seat of his vehicle.
The Bedfordshire Police searched Arshad’s house in Luton, Bedforshire and found dozens of images of teenage girls on his phone and computers. He would contact the girls on “Facebook, Blackberry Messenger, WhatsApp or texts” and begin a relationship built on flattery, compliments and suggestive sexual messages.
Read more about his conviction on the next page.
What a surprise
And those fools didn’t see that coming? Followers of Islam have been banned from the US since 1952. Demand our laws be enforced! Sometimes history is our best teacher. When you know your enemy’s worst, and in this case, only Fear, your obviously use it against them. Although Brig. Gen. John “Blackjack” Pershing has been credited for the event by history, it was actually US Army Col. Alexander Rodgers of the 6th Cavalry who, in 1911, who stopped an Islamic uprising in the Philippines by taking advantage of the theological taboo of the Muslims. Rodgers inaugurated the practice of burying all dead Islamic rebels in a common grave with the carcasses of slaughtered pigs. Islamic religion forbids Muslims to have contact with pork. The tactic Rodgers used on a regular basis was to bury the rebels he executed with pig entrails, which would prevent that Islamist from going to heaven.
Gen. John J. Pershing was in overall command of Rodger’s garrison. There had been scores of Islamic terrorist attacks on the predominantly Catholic Filipino population which the Muslims were attempting to overthrow. Pershing ordered Rodgers to put an end to the killing. Rodgers caught 25 Islamic terrorists are ordered 24 of them to dig their own graves. The 25th was forced to watch. Rodger’s troops brought in pigs and slaughtered them, rubbing their bullets with the blood and pig fat.
The terrorists, who had heard horror stories about American soldiers dipping their bullets in pigs’ blood were about to experience their worst nightmare first hand. The terrorists were terrorized. They were going to be contaminated with pig blood. That meant they couldn’t enter Heaven—even if they died as martyrs. Of course, that also meant there would not be 72 virgins waiting for them in hog heaven.
Rodgers ordered the 24—who were forced to dig the mass grave that would be their final resting place—shot. Their bodies were dumped into the mass grave. The 25th terrorist was forced to watch. The pig entrails were unceremoniously poured over the lifeless terrorist corpses. The witness was released and returned to the terrorist camp where he related to his Muslim cohorts what happened to his comrades. What Rodgers did brought an end to Islamic terrorism in the Philippines for the next 50 years. It should be clear to the world that only terrorism will shake the terrorist. Sometimes you have no choice but to fight fire with fire.
Kill the pervert
Death Penalty! This is why Trump says what he says!!!
He still alive!? If so why?
All Muslims are depraved people because of the way they were raised. They have been brainwashed from birth to hate all that is not Islam and kill all who will not convert. This sick culture needs to be removed from the USA and Europe. They only belong contained in the Middle East!
Electric chair for that piece of s**t