The only 2 Muslims in Congress, Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) and André Carson (D-Ind.), sent a letter last Thursday to Attorney General Loretta Lynch requesting that the Dept. of Justice begin an investigation of attendees that held an armed protest outside a Phoenix mosque last month.
The congressmen claim that the constitutional rights of worshippers were violated because protesters were armed, thereby creating a ‘hostile environment’ that infringed upon the freedom to practice religion under the First Amendment.
One of these congressmen has been caught working with Muslim Brotherhood front groups.
Deport the Muslim s$#%&!@*, I body bags if necessary.
Muslims out of America now
No sharia for America
I agree, Tobey, that’s wrong . Conspiring to do harm, by their speech, should be illegal.
When Muslim groups that make threats against Americans AND CARRY THEM OUT are persecuted, then we can have this conversation again. Until then, guns, guns, and more guns outside the precious Mosques.
It is high time they stopped demanding anything. THEY are not in the majority yet.
don’t they realize they are just making themselves targets???
screw you $#%&!@* go tend to your goats and camels
Suggestion don’t send terrorists from that mosque to Texas. We don’t appreciate your criminal element coming to our state to tell our people what they can’t say with a gun.
Have never liked those Mosqueitos …destroy all of them
Can’t have it both ways !!!