Muslim Congressmen Demand DOJ Begin Persecution Of Those Involved In Protest Outside Phoenix Mosque

André Carson (D-Ind.), who was recently appointed by Pelosi to a highly sensitive House intelligence committee that deals with classified information and activities, was caught working with Muslim Brotherhood front groups: the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America. Check out Carson’s statement about how America must turn her schools in Islamic entities and how the Islamization of America can’t be stopped, among other disconcerting claims.

Now, Carson and Ellison are demanding persecution of Americans exercising their constitutional rights in favor of a tenuous argument about the violation of the rights of those attending this Phoenix mosque. The fact is that these attendees didn’t bring arms in an attempt to violate the rights of others or to intimidate. Islamic militants had already promised blood over the Phoenix protest – these protestors were simply looking to protect themselves against a very real threat. This particular mosque is where the gunmen who attempted to kill attendees of the controversial ‘Draw Muhammad’ contest  in a Dallas suburb attended services.

“The decision to bring assault weapons to the mosque demonstrates intent to create a hostile environment to intimidate worshipers, a clear attempt to infringe on the First Amendment rights of the worshipers [sic],” the letter reads.

Last Friday, a biker gang of about 250 armed protesters, carrying assault rifles, pistols, American flags and depictions of the Prophet Muhammad assembled outside of the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix. The mosque had previously been attended by the two gunmen from Phoenix who opened gunfire on an anti-Islam event featuring a controversial “Draw Muhammad” contest in Garland, Texas, in May.

The rally outside the mosque was organized by Iraq war veteran Jon Ritzheimer, who said it was in retaliation for the attack in Garland, as well as “to expose the true colors of Islam.”

“True Islam is terrorism,” Ritzheimer told CNN last week.

Ellison and Carson, the only two Muslims in Congress, allege that the armed protests could also be a violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, a bill passed in 1994. The law, they note, outlaws “‘attempts to injure, intimidate or interfere with any person lawfully exercising or seeking to exercise the First Amendment right of religious freedom at a place of religious worship.'”

Photo: IU School of Medicine
Photo: Center for American Progress Action Fund



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