“First question, you refuse to [condemn] the beheading of innocent people — James Foley, the other individuals that were beheaded by ISIS. My question is very simple, why would you hold innocent people responsible… for something they themselves did not do.”
“Do you believe that suicide bombers get 72 virgins in heaven if they kill innocent men, women and children?”
“Do you want to see a worldwide caliphate? In other words, do you want the entire world either convert to Islam, or that they would be viewed as infidels and should be killed?
Watch Hannity battle terrorist cleric Anjem Choudary over radical Islamic ideologies with these questions and more….
Take no prisoners and avoid the expense…no need to consider when/if to release them.
Lupe is a great deal “Loopayed” = on Crack LOL 😛
You are so busy focusing on all these made up boogeymen that you fail to see the crimes that this nation commits upon the original people of these lands
They forgot to mention those virgins look like a cross between Marty Feldman and Hillary Clinton.
He’s been on the “Fire Water” again 😀
sand rats
O my God. You are the top of the pile crazy. Nut job
Yes 32 goats and 32 donkeys