“First question, you refuse to [condemn] the beheading of innocent people — James Foley, the other individuals that were beheaded by ISIS. My question is very simple, why would you hold innocent people responsible… for something they themselves did not do.”
“Do you believe that suicide bombers get 72 virgins in heaven if they kill innocent men, women and children?”
“Do you want to see a worldwide caliphate? In other words, do you want the entire world either convert to Islam, or that they would be viewed as infidels and should be killed?
Watch Hannity battle terrorist cleric Anjem Choudary over radical Islamic ideologies with these questions and more….
INVASION NOT IMMAGRASION===Arrest Barack Hussein Obama and charge with Treason
I believe the same evil crafty serpent who deceived Aam and Eve in Genesis 3 has deceived thesefollowere of him in being siide bonbers and all of their other evil works, as well
The past makes the present and if we don’t learn from the past and change it we will forever repeat history again and again. .these crimes of eugenics land theft and the murder of native peoples are still in effect and thats what fuels my fire
in my opinion the only good Islamist is a dead Islamist. and I can’t wait for enough people to get fed up with these politically correct apologist attitude towards these people changes and they stop being afraid of these scumbags and start exterminating them.
Praying for our country Everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Johnathan Carroll= an Islamist muzzy, muhhamed goat humper diksuker LOL 😀 go figure ! LMFAO 😛
Who in their right mind would want to die to get 72 girls who say “no” all the time….
You must be really old Gee Rod, if you’ve done and seen all of that!!
No they are going to HELL !
an Idiot born every day= You are Proof 😛