“First question, you refuse to [condemn] the beheading of innocent people — James Foley, the other individuals that were beheaded by ISIS. My question is very simple, why would you hold innocent people responsible… for something they themselves did not do.”
“Do you believe that suicide bombers get 72 virgins in heaven if they kill innocent men, women and children?”
“Do you want to see a worldwide caliphate? In other words, do you want the entire world either convert to Islam, or that they would be viewed as infidels and should be killed?
Watch Hannity battle terrorist cleric Anjem Choudary over radical Islamic ideologies with these questions and more….
Scientists are even now believing in the spirituality of God, therefore your ideas are skewed. I am friends with a world renowned scientist who has gotten together many top scientists and they are talking right now about how God is a main part of science. It is very enlightening to know they do believe in God and have amassed a great deal of scientific proof in this regard. It is very refreshing to know that they have opened their minds and know theee is a God!!
theee – there
The koran is the exact opposite to the Bible Jay Yaj, and it is truth, the koran is lies, it wasn’t written until 200 yrs after muhammed died, The Old Testament tells of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ, the New Testament testifies to His Birth, Death and Resurrection. Someone has lied to you my friend, and it isn’t me.
They get 72 GOATS but they don’t know it…………………………….
My question is, Why are those poor 72 virgins being sentenced to spending eternity with a terrorist?
be killed wether convert or not and slavery for women
Fuc! You cleric! This is my country bitc! I will make dam! Sure it stays that way!
The “virgins” could very well be males!
Just my opinion…72 virgins in heaven, dah, the.spirit world has no physical form, so… no hard on from terrorist who blew himself up, how is he going to enjoy virgins…..proof that that muslim faith is a cult and those people are not smart enough to know they have been brainwashed.