“First question, you refuse to [condemn] the beheading of innocent people — James Foley, the other individuals that were beheaded by ISIS. My question is very simple, why would you hold innocent people responsible… for something they themselves did not do.”
“Do you believe that suicide bombers get 72 virgins in heaven if they kill innocent men, women and children?”
“Do you want to see a worldwide caliphate? In other words, do you want the entire world either convert to Islam, or that they would be viewed as infidels and should be killed?
Watch Hannity battle terrorist cleric Anjem Choudary over radical Islamic ideologies with these questions and more….
Religious extremists of all flavors are insane. What can be said about one can be said about the rest.
Fuc.k the rag. Head
LMAO….please tell me this is sarcasm
replace “koran” with “bible”, and your description fits Christians to a T.
Guess you didn’t pay much attention in history class, huh? Killing those who don’t believe the way you do has always been part and parcel of many religions, even Christianity right here in the good ol’ U S of A up until 200 years ago, give or take a few. Christians definitely shouldn’t be acting all high and mighty, there’s plenty of blood on their hands as well.
Would love to see that happen. It would raise the cumulative IQ of this country substantially. (Y)
Lol there is no god
I think we’ve gotten your opinion in your first post. You don’t like God, and you don’t like those who believe in God, and you don’t think God exists. Well good for you.
You mean the same way Christians had the wool pulled over their eyes, blindly believing what they read in some book about some dude in the middle east, written hundreds of years after said dude *supposedly* existed…which there isn’t even any empirical evidence of?
Same can be said of Christians or any other religionists…just sayin’.
IKR! FOX and the rest of the right wing propaganda machine spew enough evil for everybody!