“First question, you refuse to [condemn] the beheading of innocent people — James Foley, the other individuals that were beheaded by ISIS. My question is very simple, why would you hold innocent people responsible… for something they themselves did not do.”
“Do you believe that suicide bombers get 72 virgins in heaven if they kill innocent men, women and children?”
“Do you want to see a worldwide caliphate? In other words, do you want the entire world either convert to Islam, or that they would be viewed as infidels and should be killed?
Watch Hannity battle terrorist cleric Anjem Choudary over radical Islamic ideologies with these questions and more….
No illogical
Most of them are getting 72 virgins of Satan’s in HELL.
its funny that jesus is so hated when all he preached is love how can you disagree with that
We have a problem with too many muslim in our government and military. Nothing good is going to come of this.
Lol…man was here long before he created god.
How very Christian of you…
You should do your homework. “Allah” is the word for “God” in Arabic. Christians, Jews, Muslims…all worship the same God. Grow a brain please.
The world would be a better place if all religions disappeared, if all people gave up on the childish silly notion of some invisible sky daddy.
And Christianity hasn’t killed innocent people? The Crusades? Inquisitions? Persecution, enslavment, and murder of Pagans? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
God doesn’t even exist…stupid people…