The war on Christmas has arrived at a new level of absurdity and hate, this time, brought to you by an Islamic cleric. Shocking as it seems, he seems to hate the message the angels brought the first Christmas day, “Peace on earth, good will toward men.”
A good Muslim should never say Merry Christmas or congratulations back because as the cleric says, “It is cuckoo to say God was born on the 25th of December. You are congratulating them on the most evil of beliefs (sic),” this cleric states.
He goes on to say that it “is worse than fornication and drinking alcohol and killing someone because you are approving of the biggest crime ever committed by the children of Adam’s sin.”
The insanity is real! Watch it on the next page.
Merry Christmas! !!!!!
Merry, merry Christmas.
Were do this so called men of god come up with this stuff they are using a book wrote by a man in the 1400 century AD after he murder the town of Jews that took him in or he would have starved and he started to do the devil work and they think he is a perfit man
Merry Christmas and$#%&!@*you
Stupid fool
It simple do not listen!!!
Yes, why do they come here. They hate us and the men are very dangerous.