The war on Christmas has arrived at a new level of absurdity and hate, this time, brought to you by an Islamic cleric. Shocking as it seems, he seems to hate the message the angels brought the first Christmas day, “Peace on earth, good will toward men.”
A good Muslim should never say Merry Christmas or congratulations back because as the cleric says, “It is cuckoo to say God was born on the 25th of December. You are congratulating them on the most evil of beliefs (sic),” this cleric states.
He goes on to say that it “is worse than fornication and drinking alcohol and killing someone because you are approving of the biggest crime ever committed by the children of Adam’s sin.”
The insanity is real! Watch it on the next page.
Well, Happy Hanukah, motherf####r!
Well dip$#%&!@*cleric all i can tell you it was the most important day of our Christian Beliefs. So really what you think about it does not matter. MERRY CHRISTMAS to the world. Your in AMERICA. So do not tell any body your opinion cause it does not have any meanings to us. Your in our nation keep this game of your groups going you and all your colleages will get a free ride from where you came from. Obama is no longer making up his rules.
Ya you goatfukers think your funny
little early or maybe a bit late but merry christmas mr cleric
Jesus is real, and he is what Christmas is all about!
I don’t like many of the things muslims do, so I don’t go to Islamic countries. If you dont like Merry Christmas, stay out of the United States. We believe in God, every piece of currency we have says ( In God We Trust ) on it. So if it offends you, you’re in the wrong country.
Wat i want to no is how did he stretch that tampon over his head
And whats worse is ppl in America actauully believe these goatraping subhumans are nice and gentle
Merry Christmas Muslim and have some pickled pigs feet for lunch to go with your BBQ’d ham sandwich.