On Fox News Wednesday broadcast of ‘Hannity’, Muslim Cleric Imam Anjem Choudray told Pamela Geller, the organizer of the ‘Draw Mohammed’ contest which saw a failed jihad attempt, that she was ‘worse than a pig’ and should be tried and executed for holding the event.
The cleric insisted that she “knew the consequences” of her actions, to which Geller replied that she lived in America and there were no ‘consequences’.
Watch this clash of civilizations on page 2:
lets lock this jack$#%&!@* in a cell and all day year long have bacon frying next to his cell and of course flooding his cell… give this dip c**p bread and water and sww how long it takes him to bed for the bacon…
Satanic idiots
I don’t want to offend anyone but………….$#%&!@* this guy and $#%&!@* his religion for having these beliefs. Mohammed was a child molester, rapist, murderer, thief, and an a goat/sheep $#%&!@*er! You have 70-now 68 trained fighters in the U.S.????? Guess what You $#%&!@* dumpster, we have more firearms and more ammunition in the hands of civilians than any other country in the world. You are $#%&!@*ed before you even begin your Jihad in America. Hell I know of 1 trailer park that could wipe out your entire terrorist force and would be more than willing to do so. You better have your 68 douche bags planted in soft states like California and other states that have strict gun laws because you will get wasted in the south and most other states. Every since that POS POTUS/muslim/muslim sympathizer took office people have been stock piling and gearing up for some $#%&!@*. It would be a shame to let all of that ammo to go to waste! Bring it $#%&!@* stick! You think that with all of the hostility Americans have with our own government and police wont make an American want to skull $#%&!@* you? The public’s blood is already boiling and Fed up with B.S.. We are waiting and wishing a mother $#%&!@*er would! Sorry for the language. This guy just got on my nerve!
A team of highly skilled individuals needs to completely eliminate these leaders! England or any country where they hide and plan covert operations within its free society needs to take away their citizenship and removed all of them from free societies! These people need to leave the planet immediately where ever they are! We have the means and need to complete the Task!
let them try it
Execute his $#%&!@*
bring it on. we shoot back
fireing squard for him now. why wait.
F$ck that guy
That’s not enough that’s only a few per state, they won’t last long