Goodbye, BLTs. Residents at a care facility in Bradford can no longer request one of the bacon sandwiches, as it goes against the employees’ religion.
Muslim staff at a care home stopped residents eating pork because it was against their religion, a report has found.
Staff at Wagtail Close in Buttershaw, Bradford were told to improve their service after an unannounced inspection found they had restricted elderly residents from eating bacon sandwiches, sausages and pork pies because of their own cultural beliefs.
In one example, a patient who liked to have a bacon sandwich for breakfast every morning and bought sausages and pork pies when they went out shopping, said a number of staff would not help them buy or cook these products.
“This meant that staff were not providing support that was responsive to the person’s preferences and were restricting the person’s right to choice. The person said they had raised their concern with senior staff members but nothing had been done about it,” the report said.
If these were Christian employees refusing to serve those in need because of their religion, you can bet this would be bigger news. Instead, our media will go on coddling the Muslim religion while admonishing those who strictly adhere to Christianity.
Source: Brietbart
Steve Norton~
They sit and do….whatever the highest bidder wants if them, because they want their control, as it means money in their pockets! They’re nothing but prostitutes!
Cathy Jo~
YOU ARE 100% CORRECT!!! And there is SO, SO much more!!
What a crock of s**t
Take all non muslims out of that home and let it rot,
Muslims are at least correct about not eating scavengers. The Torah prohibits eating pigs which are called disgusting. Christianity is further from Torah commands than Islam.
Screw them . Why is everyone caving