The Muslim Brotherhood from within the US, operating from postions of power in the White House, is not conspiracy ‘theory’.
Brigitte Gabriel, a recognized expert on Muslim/Jihadist subjects, holds in her hand the Brotherhood has had a long held plan for the destruction of America, as she seen in the video on the next page. This document has been used to convict terrorists here in the United States.
Check out shocking Muslim Brotherhood plans next page:
They soon will be a thing of the past,,,,hahahahaha
Clean the swamp
Another conformation of why America refused to follow or tolerate Obama, democrats, and the MSM CNN Zucker propagandists. Their blatent betrayal of the American public, our constitution, and collaberation in treason is dispicable.
Obama and liberal democrats have:
Aided and infiltrated members of islam the most genocidal ideology on earth. Used the agenda of Alinsky Marxist communists the second most genocidal ideology on earth. Accepted the funding of$#%&!@*National Socialist Soros the third most genocidal ideology on earth. Liberal democrat fools have become more dishonest corrupt violent vicious and evil than fascists the fourth most genocidal ideology on earth.
The democrats started with the KKK and have become increasingly anti life, liberty, and freedom in their ideological allignment.
The common ideological thread is the deceit, terrorizing, and mass murder of innocent people to force the implimentation of tyrannical totalitarian government.
Clinton was their poster child.
That is why Democrats were defeated.
Fact check Democide empirical facts and data.
All members straight to jail!!!
so what is going to be done about it
What the duck ever if that was true everyone who looked at that should be fired and held on treason
I believe it has been going on here for at least 8 years.
Muslims believe once they build a mosque on the land where they reside, they consider that the land is conquered and in their minds, they already conquered America. Obama believes this! Now all muslims have to do is finish the caliphate by changing it to sharia law. America is doomed and we don’t even know it! In their mind they already own the USA, and Europe from coast to coast. Just think about this…it is truer than you can imagine? The McCarran-Walter Act of 1952 deports all people who will not pledge allegiance to the American flag, anthem, or US Constitution. Islam, a theocracy, is the government of Iran headed by the ayatollah Khameini, a foreign power, and threatens all Americans who will not follow sharia with conversion, death by beheading, or paying a huge tax. The quran bans all muslims from allegiance to USA. Muslims should be deported to countries that are more accustomed to their values and customs. Muslims believe once they build a mosque on the land where they reside, they consider that the land is conquered and in their minds, they already conquered America. Obama believes this! Now all muslims have to do is finish the caliphate by changing it to sharia law. America is doomed and we don’t even know it! In their mind they already own the USA from coast to coast and Europe, too. Just think about this…it is truer than you can imagine?
There are many people who need proof… on any subject The more the word of truth gets out, the more people become informed and aware.
The real terrorist just left the White House he was for them more tan us. So happy Obambo is gone we have a real American president now