The Muslim Brotherhood from within the US, operating from postions of power in the White House, is not conspiracy ‘theory’.
Brigitte Gabriel, a recognized expert on Muslim/Jihadist subjects, holds in her hand the Brotherhood has had a long held plan for the destruction of America, as she seen in the video on the next page. This document has been used to convict terrorists here in the United States.
Check out shocking Muslim Brotherhood plans next page:
One more important reason to vote Trump/ Pence !
You are so right!! It scares me so much to think of the country my children and grandchildren will be living in if Hillary is elected!! Why can’t people see this??????
And Obama opens our borders and yells bend over America!
Why is Soros still alive?
So why are they still around deport or arrest.
Same here
Come at me bro
we don’t need somebody on the inside like hillary to help them push their sharia law down our throats and degenerate barbaric customs among us. Let’s get safer and put America firstYou know who to vote for. It is going to be so refreshing to wake up every morning again
You mean there will be three types of hunting: duck season, wabbit season and mu season.
start getting rid of any one that even can be muslim brotherhood starting with obama