The Muslim Brotherhood from within the US, operating from postions of power in the White House, is not conspiracy ‘theory’.
Brigitte Gabriel, a recognized expert on Muslim/Jihadist subjects, holds in her hand the Brotherhood has had a long held plan for the destruction of America, as she seen in the video on the next page. This document has been used to convict terrorists here in the United States.
Check out shocking Muslim Brotherhood plans next page:
This is all true..
We need to clean house.
Everyone here is basically in agreement
Most are saying Trump will do it
I hope that’s the case..
Worst case scenario, , Trump doesn’t become president, the next question will be, what the$#%&!@*are we going to do then..?
Continue to sit around and let this continue to happen??
Yes we are at war with our own government by the enemy being allowed into our country by the thousands, abd taxpayers footing the bill…
We need to get rid of the bastards and all the followsj
Thank you obama!!! Traitor!
I, now, totally agree that he was a Muslim “plant” and boy did we get suckered in…………me especially……….!!!…..and Hillary, because of money………is just going to follow him in if we don’t stop her……’s scary !!!
That’s why Obama is getting by with murder look at all the Moslems in there with him
Muslim Brotherhood was active in the White House when Bill Clinton was in office. Now after almost 8 years in office Obama has been working hand in hand with the Muslim Brotherhood subverting our government key positions with Moslems and their enablers.
Representing the most violent and evil so called religion (cult) in human history.
ISLAMS plans for Christian and Jews and non-believers is something out of the dark ages. The Christian and Jews will be singled out in particular for horrendous torture and death,
Of course the question is why this tremendous army of military age men ? Where are the children and women ?
The powers to be NWO GLobalists, world bankers , Soros, Rothchildes etc pull the string and they have paved the way for millions of Mosloms to invade Europe with France and Germany taking the majority in.
Of course the demands for Shia law, Sharia food, sharia this , and sharia that moslem
they didnt infiltrate obama the fucking traitor put them there
You fuckers are gonna die!!!
Obama has ruined this country