The Muslim Brotherhood from within the US, operating from postions of power in the White House, is not conspiracy ‘theory’.
Brigitte Gabriel, a recognized expert on Muslim/Jihadist subjects, holds in her hand the Brotherhood has had a long held plan for the destruction of America, as she seen in the video on the next page. This document has been used to convict terrorists here in the United States.
Check out shocking Muslim Brotherhood plans next page:
Obama has appointed Muslims to head most govt departments! His mentor is Muslim! So is Killerys!!
Obama was their plant. he has had this terrorist group to our Whitehouse. We all have stayed politically correct while he did his best to destroy our beautiful country. Believed our Congress would protect us from any dictator. We believed our constitution being the great document that it is would protect us from a dictator. Our constitution has been ignored. Liberals have tried to tear it apart. They have tried to get us from within. They will try to destroy Trump. We must stand by him and save America from this inside evil.Look at the evil that is in our country and let’s get it out.
How rediculous for they ever getting their feet in America, much less all up in our business in the White House, but leave it to Ophony and Killary that should have already been serving life in prison with many that hasn’t committed half the crimes they have.
So true
Bunch of sorry$#%&!@*bastards!
What has happen to America?
It’s sad some Americans don’t even get it.
Obama liar Clinton too ugh
These positions of these people were bought and paid for. We the people didn’t ask for this or approve it! Remember the Gov works for us not we for them! We have to get Trump in!!! Vote Trump!!