The Muslim Brotherhood from within the US, operating from postions of power in the White House, is not conspiracy ‘theory’.
Brigitte Gabriel, a recognized expert on Muslim/Jihadist subjects, holds in her hand the Brotherhood has had a long held plan for the destruction of America, as she seen in the video on the next page. This document has been used to convict terrorists here in the United States.
Check out shocking Muslim Brotherhood plans next page:
Goal is the Caliphate of America.
These are the terms from their Qur’an:
1. Taqiyya
Taqiyya allows Muslims to lie and/or conceal their true faith, feelings, thoughts, plans, and character, for the purpose of protecting themselves. It is fully based on the Koran and is agreed to and practiced by all major sects of Islam.
“When it is possible to achieve an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible, and lying is obligatory if the goal is obligatory.” (Reliance of the Traveler, Para r8.2 )
2. Tawriya
Tawriya allows Muslims to “creatively lie” by being purposely ambiguous about the real meaning of what they are saying.
3. Kitman
Kitman is a term that means Muslims are permitted to tell half-truths, or partial truths, while concealing the greater whole truth. Discussion of “jihad” as being only an “inner” or “spiritual” struggle is an example of Kitman, as technically it is true that jihad refers to a spiritual struggle, but conceals the very real physical struggle that is also encompassed by jihad.
4. Muruna
Muruna is perhaps the biggest deception practiced by Muslims, as it allows them to be “flexible” regarding the commands of their faith in order to properly blend in with the society around them. Muruna permits Muslims to shave their beards, wear Western clothing, listen to Western music, and even drink alcohol.
these happpy clappers arrrived just after obammy was elected he didnt waste time alll sunni moslims
We need to clean house.
What do you mean “infiltrated”? They showed up, and Obama ushered them right in!!!
am i the only one that watched news n stufff
CAIR is the head of these terrorist in the US and all are friends of the freak in the black house
And Obama is their leader !!!!!
Trump should reward them with an all-expense-paid vacation to Gitmo.
Pos. Liberals will let it happen.
Hang them for treason