It’s not just Democrats who are upset with the implementation of President Trump’s immigration policy. There are those within the Islamic community who are furious in that they believe that the president’s actions unfairly target Muslims. Some have gone so far as to step over the line in their criticism of the president, calling for violent acts against him.
In making such outrageous statements these people unwittingly support the very notion they deny: There are members of the Muslim community who are prepared to commit violent acts against those who either insult their beliefs or who call them out of the danger radical jihadists represent. Yet it was just such a refusal to embrace and speak the truth by the Obama administration that has contributed to the dangers we face.
The radical Muslims use terms like “Islamophobia” that they borrowed and adapted from other movements in an attempt to shame and silence critics. But for all the terms they might wish to invent, the danger remains, and they are examples of what the danger we face looks like. More on page two.
Get them ALL OUT, ANYONE who calls for our presidents death deserves to be hung.
NUTS,lock him up.
Send him to GTMO
Why are our laws, that banned Muslims since 1952, not being enforced? He, and all the rest need to be deported! They don’t belong in our country in the first place! Damn, why is that so hard to understand?
No, no deport ! Disassemble this mooslam POS !
Wow. I told people a long time ago. Myself being a man of simple living and devoted to the only book that remains in its highest in man’s existence. The Bible. The word of God through the readings and understanding of the wisdom of those touched by God’s grace and there enlightenment on man. God created man in his likeness. There is only one God and he is my God. I put no other God’s of understand before my God for he is God. I live by the teachings and warnings and understanding of my God through his words and generations of those touched by God. Our God who created all and man in his likeness. The father our God gave in Sacrafice his only son. Jesus Christ. The sins of his creation of men in his likeness find I’ll in societies and evil within through temptation of other idols and believer’s of any other God in words of his creation of men biding evil on his children. The people of God and there understanding of the word of God are prosecuted by evils and false God’s and Jesus foretold of the coming of Allah. Believer’s of the true God. The Antichrist. This Antichrist of Allah is a deceiving Antichristian demon. Coming to power over the One Nation Under God. The Bible is being fulfilled through the word of God and his teaching to those of the one God. My God. I watch in awe the fulfillment of professes for warned about in the end days. Allah and the Quran are the evil on the people in One Nation Under God that it’s people forgot God. They let false idols and pride take them from them the word. Temptation of all evils have been placed on God’s children created by him in his likeness. God’s hand has stricken this nation with. Plagues of Evil and has let a beast of a man come in the name of Allah to lead a Nation. One Nation Under God. This man inflicts havoc within this nation. Letting those come of evil into this nation of God. Within temptations of I’ll faith rise. In this country addictions are heightened and havoc on the people of God. Greed of men will rise against this One Nation Under God. Soro is a man coming from a man of I’ll intentions called Adolf$#%&!@* This man crafty in his escape and sharpness in understanding social control and genocide create the havoc and separation on the people of God. Our God did not pass judgement on his people. Mankind his forgotten God and his word. Obama and Soro are the temptations on One Nation Under God. You were all warned by Jesus. Now God in his words in the book of men touched by God’s hand called the bible are finally coming to the end. Yet God says. I am the Alfa and I am the Omega. Welcome to the demise of a once great nation taken by. False religions and greed of evil coming in the former of the likeness of God’s children to eliminate the One Nation Under God.
Bullets can fly both ways.!
Charge and arrest
Get that dude!!! Trump!
will someone please shoot these son of a bitches before they breed