It’s not just Democrats who are upset with the implementation of President Trump’s immigration policy. There are those within the Islamic community who are furious in that they believe that the president’s actions unfairly target Muslims. Some have gone so far as to step over the line in their criticism of the president, calling for violent acts against him.
In making such outrageous statements these people unwittingly support the very notion they deny: There are members of the Muslim community who are prepared to commit violent acts against those who either insult their beliefs or who call them out of the danger radical jihadists represent. Yet it was just such a refusal to embrace and speak the truth by the Obama administration that has contributed to the dangers we face.
The radical Muslims use terms like “Islamophobia” that they borrowed and adapted from other movements in an attempt to shame and silence critics. But for all the terms they might wish to invent, the danger remains, and they are examples of what the danger we face looks like. More on page two.
You need to go.
No they need to be excuted, You think they wouldn’t do it to one of us over there if we made a threat like that.
Then he needs to be deported !
Deport him!!!!!
This is treason
He should be investigated and arrested immediately.
He is just saying out loud what they all say in private the problem is they r smart enough to know how to cause factions in a society this keeps the country as in us to come together and boot them out right now u have alot of Americans who r pro Muslim u can’t tell them hey look this is what they do the only way alot of these people would come around is if something happened to someone they luv unfortunately this happens more than not but we can’t have people join the cause one or ten at a time we need millions to join that way when a Muslim goes to cry about something there is no one to fall for thier f**e tears if people don’t start waking up Trump can’t do this alone he can’t fight Washington the media Muslims r powerful worldwide and Trump is facing alot of flack which I think he expected but I think he thought once he started to fight against Muslims he thought the American people would get behind him unfortunately some of our so called brothers want to worry about everything else instead of the American way of life I guess when u live in a free society where other people died for your freedom other people pay for your housing food car and everything else u get confused when u r forced to do something Dems destroyed Detroit used to be one of the richest cities in the U.S. look at California everything they touch they destroy but all those libs argue won’t say fight cause they’ve never had to argue for all the rights they think these pedophiles rapists murderers deserve it’s disgusting and the Muslims just sit there laughing at us they think we r stupid they r right they think we r push overs they r right until we unite which is what made this country great there is no hope the few can no longer carry the many it’s time to wake up snowflakes or else your gonna see what it’s like to live without freedom and u think once Islam rules u think your going to protest then they will just kill u so..
Lock him up or better yet drop him about a mile from shore in Middle East
Hang this p***k
Folks, this is getting scary. Does anyone realize what’s going on?? It’s gonna be a bumpy ride, hold on tight and pray!!