Muslim Author Calls for President Trump’s Assassination with Islamic Designation

We can expect criticism, much of it intense, from various sources as President Trump implements some of his more controversial campaign promises. And his proposals for dealing with immigration and the dangers of those coming to our country who are from known terrorist havens is at the top of some people’s lists.

Muslim author Haroon Moghul would be one such individual. To say that the he is upset with President Trump is an understatement.

Moghul is on a vendetta against President Trump. This is at least the third article he has written savaging the President in as many days. They’re all as whiny, dishonest and vicious as Haroon Moghul can be, but this one is really over the top. Moghul claims that “a year ago, a Twitter account supportive of ISIS responded to one of my articles on pluralism by labeling me a ‘kafir.’ I shrugged it off, until I remembered that for jihadists, the term is tantamount to announcing a death sentence.” This right after Moghul said of Trump: “He is America’s first ‘kafir’ president.”

So is Mr. Mogul actually calling for President Trump to be assassinated? It certainly looks like it. Should the Secret Service do their job and open an investigation into this man, he would no doubt say that he did not mean the word “kafir” literally. But that statement would only likely be made to save his hide from prosecution.

Here’s what “kafir” means: “Kafir is what the Koran and Islam call the unbelievers. Kafir is the worst word in the human language.”

Continuing with the definition of the word, examples from the Koran of how kafir is used can be cited:

Hated- 40:35 They who dispute the signs of Allah [kafirs] without authority having reached them are greatly hated by Allah and the believers. So Allah seals up every arrogant, disdainful heart. and despised by Allah.

Beheaded- 47:4 When you encounter the kafirs on the battlefield, cut off their heads until you have thoroughly defeated them and then take the prisoners and tie them up firmly.

Terrorized- 8:12 Then your Lord spoke to His angels and said, “I will be with you. Give strength to the believers. I will send terror into the kafirs’ hearts, cut off their heads and even the tips of their fingers!”

Annihilated- 6:45 So the kafirs were annihilated. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

It’s rather clear that this is a term that implies vengeance and violence. To call someone a “kafir” can certainly be considered a threat.

Has Mr. Moghul just called for violence to be committed against Mr. Trump? His statements are certainly worthy of thorough investigation by the Secret Service or FBI. Mr. Moghul clearly has stepped over the line

Source: Jihad Watch

Source: Political Islam



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