It looks like MSNBC is going to have problems gaining access to officials in the Trump administration. That probably should not come as a big surprise given that the network, including such anchors as Rachel Maddow, have been consistent opponents of President Trump long before he was elected last November. No doubt he would consider them to be a purveyor of “fake news” much as he characterizes CNN and The New York Times.
Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC just attempted to question Secretary of State Tillerson, and found herself and the rest of the press escorted out of the room at State Department headquarters. More on page two.
She needs to retire
I hope it was a size 13 boot up her$#%&!@*
How dare you ask questions Madam, how dare you
Good disgusting liberal
She is a pain in the butt
Every f**e journalist should be barred from all press conferences. They are there ONLY to try and stir up trouble.
Copied and pasted….please do the same!
Try to keep this in mind, Donald Trump did not steal your money.
Donald Trump did not raise your taxes.
Donald Trump did not quadruple the price of food.
Trump is not stirring a race war.
Trump did not leave any US soldiers in Benghazi to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims.
Trump did not send the US Navy to fight for Syrian Al-Qaeda.
Trump did not arm ISIS and systematically exterminate Christians throughout the Middle East.
Trump did not betray Israel.
Trump did not provide financing and technology to Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
Trump did not give our military secrets to China.
Trump did not remove our nuclear missile shield in Poland at the behest of Russia.
Trump did not shrivel our military, and betray our veterans.
Trump did not cripple our economy.
Trump did not increase our debt to 20 trillion dollars.
Trump did not ruin our credit, twice.
Trump did not double African American unemployment.
Trump did not increase welfare to a record level for eight years.
Trump did not sign a law making it legal to execute, and imprison Americans.
Trump did not set free all of terrorists in Guantanamo bay.
Trump did not steal your rights, violate US Constitutional law, or commit treason, hundreds of times.
Yet Trump is being ripped apart in the news, non stop.
Barrack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton and the other criminals who previously occupied our government, are not.
The media is the Democratic Party.
Save our culture. Stop listening to the media!!!
Lib. Bitch
Good, keep all f**e news, those who except false leaks, bashers/haters of Trump all out of Whitehouse news room. Don’t need them wasting our time trying to hear what is going on in our gov. When they begin to be reporters and real journalists, then they can come back in. Tired of their lying c**p.