What would happen if someone in the mainstream Conservative media asked the simple question: “Should the far-Left be confronted with force?”
I can already see you smirking, because we both know how that would go, particularly with what has been going on in the Fake News Industrial Complex (FNIC) for the past week, beginning with the calling for all Confederacy-themed…anything…to be torn down, removed, blown up and then completely erased from the memory of this great country’s long and storied history.
If anyone in the Conservative media ever asked that question, the very first reaction would be if President Trump will be condemning that hateful statement. The second question would be where did the question originate and can we boycott them. The third question would be if the Department of Justice should look into bringing federal “hate crime” charges against that individual and the media company.
Now that we’ve established what would happen on the Left if that simple question were asked, I want you to turn to the next page to see my reaction to the question that was posed on MSNBC last night of “Should the far-right be confronted with force?”
Communist Scumbag
Try it…
Y’all need a spanking anyway…
How is it working for you pal?
Bring it little bitch
More Sniveling Nothing But C**P is NOT news. They and the rest of the LAME stream media ARE the propaganda machine of the treasonous leftists!
No, but the left should be.
Cannot read because it is blocked!
Go ahead stupid,you will lose!
Yes bring it
Sure. It’s happened before in history. Every time It happens the elite group that insulates itself from the masses through media, educational system, and governmental institution controls, finds out the harsh reality of their power. The masses accept governmental control as long as it is predicated on the founding principles set forth in our constitution. Not the interpreted bastardized version of the past 50 years, but the original document. I say go ahead and try to inflict another civil war on the American people. At the end of the conflict the country will be cleansed of the idiocy that is allowed, yes allowed, to run it. The reason there is a 2nd amendment is to protect the people from the tyrannical thinking that proposes to jail certain people for expressing their beliefs, and makes statements such as the one made here by Chuck Todd. Most of us tolerate you because you have no real power. Take it, and you will regret that day. You have been forewarned.