Unheard of!
Oh No! Temperatures in the 80’s and 90’s in Washington D.C. in August!! It has to be Global Warming – no other possible explanation for it…like maybe it’s summertime?
And it all frames up Obama’s big announcement of how he will manage climate change today. So sizzling in DC is the heat that they moved the event indoors…so they could run the air conditioning which is derived from electricity produced by coal fired power plants that Obama wants to shut down due to global warming.
No comments about that, though.
Listen to the media chime in to boost the President’s agenda on the next page.
F-tards unite!!
He’s about as dumb as rocks has anyone taken science we can’t control carbonoxide that’s only a small part of air the plants an trees clean air with out carbon we die everytime u breath out u put carbon in air
another way to wast money and rise taxes
michelle must have toyed with the thermostat!!!!!!!!!!!!
Agenda 21
Definitely a lot of hot air in this town.
Michelle having hot flashes now? I’m sure it’s a cool 78 in the WH since Obama is so concerned. Think they will cut down on expensive flights and do all they can to help? LOL They won’t sacrifice c**p. They are takers.
It all the lies the democratic party
has spoken the last 7 years
Climate change is real people!!!!! Warm today. Colder tomorrow. Chance of rain Thursday. Weekend is iffy…..