In this new era of social consciousness, a day hardly ever goes by without the media mentioning Al Sharpton’s name in one form or another. The baptist minister, social rights activist, and talk show host has often acted as the self-proclaimed leader in the charge against all things white and conservative. And with a new civil rights movement in motion, are the people getting tired of the reverend? MSNBC seems to think so.
Read how they reined him in on NEXT PAGE:
some liberals need to be deported .along with illegals .
yes he has never paid his taxes back
Well don’t fire him he owes we Americans a lot of money in back taxes
Great, now make him pay his back taxes. If he does not have to pay his then we should not have to pay ours!
He should be in prison!
When will Obama’s IRS step up and do their job?
It’s about time. Now he needs to pay the millions in taxes that he owes or go to jail.
I hope the media is happy with all these police killings that are happening! All the media does is post negative racial stories about law enforcement which is leading to these thank you to the media Which was created by the Obama administration,and then allowing people to say in protest what do we want dead cops. If any of our leaders really cared they would step up to the plate and stop this instead of diving this county. Time to protect our officers the way we had to protect the military?
He has been employed there ????
Get rid of him.