In this new era of social consciousness, a day hardly ever goes by without the media mentioning Al Sharpton’s name in one form or another. The baptist minister, social rights activist, and talk show host has often acted as the self-proclaimed leader in the charge against all things white and conservative. And with a new civil rights movement in motion, are the people getting tired of the reverend? MSNBC seems to think so.
Read how they reined him in on NEXT PAGE:
Demotes the idiot to a JAIL!!!!!!!!
they should have let him go altogether
Should be fired
Should’ve gotten rid of this $#%&!@*bag
The (dis)honorable Reverend Rumple$#%&!@*skin.
They need to fire him.
Who watches him??? Other Racists???
Not far enough… Jail would be a good place
ridiculous how so many good folks die every day and other filth lives on