While many Americans were impressed by Donald Trump’s inspiring, heartfelt inauguration speech yesterday, the liberals in the media went absolutely ape over just about everything he had to say.
Of course, this is keeping in line with their behavior for the past election cycle. Virtually every word uttered by Trump on the campaign trail has been subjected to a level of scrutiny that no president in recent memory has been subjected to. Sure, progressives will whine about mildly critical comments made by some about Barack Obama, but for the most part the press was nothing less than a propaganda arm of the Obama administration.
The polar opposite is the case for Trump, who many in the media have declared a veritable war of words on since the earliest days of his campaign for the presidency. Naturally, this has given way to some truly absurd examples of rhetoric from them.
See video on the next page:
You guys are only f**e news! Please go eat$#%&!@*and die! Climb back under the rock you climbed out from under! You are useless! And nobody watches you anymore
Where is her pacifier. It must have fallen out of her mouth.
Just lock these idiots out of the Whitehouse along with CNN!!@
Trump gave a good speech, but more importantly it isn’t what he says that matters. Look at Obama, he gave GREAT speeches and LIED to us endlessly. I guess I know what luberals prefer.
Well, that is Globalist thinking. That is leftist thinking. Plus, when you coddle people, kiss their butts, and don’t make them adhere to laws and rules, and then someone comes along and says we will follow laws and rules, they call it “hate speech” and “its so dark and so divisive” blah, blah, blah….These people have no idea how cowardly they are. They are spoiled-rotten brats who throw temper tantrums when they can’t get their way. Really pathetic.
CNN first u guys next . When will stop the c**p reporting
It was the most inspiring, hopeful speech I have ever heard.
I found it inspiring. Now let’s see if he follows through. #Nonbiased media
This is this screwed-up ideology of liberals and the left wing it somehow globalism is where we’re going we are a National Society we are a nation we are nationalists we’re not globalist we’re not going to allow you dumbass liberals to turn our country over to the UN and become a un minion for One World Government you can stick that in your liberal butt
Hahaha who the$#%&!@*watched these networks?…… Oh yea, Snowflakes!