While many Americans were impressed by Donald Trump’s inspiring, heartfelt inauguration speech yesterday, the liberals in the media went absolutely ape over just about everything he had to say.
Of course, this is keeping in line with their behavior for the past election cycle. Virtually every word uttered by Trump on the campaign trail has been subjected to a level of scrutiny that no president in recent memory has been subjected to. Sure, progressives will whine about mildly critical comments made by some about Barack Obama, but for the most part the press was nothing less than a propaganda arm of the Obama administration.
The polar opposite is the case for Trump, who many in the media have declared a veritable war of words on since the earliest days of his campaign for the presidency. Naturally, this has given way to some truly absurd examples of rhetoric from them.
See video on the next page:
your done america dont want you anymore
Both need to retire.
You two should shut up as you know you are wrong for saying the things you are saying.
We the people heard the speach, and it was not dark and evil, it was said to all the right way, and a great speach. We do not need you f**e media to tell us what he said, we heard him.
MSNBC another half$#%&!@*news source obviously a biased one. No wonder the President doesn’t like you!
ha ha ha ha— and just look who’s talking . Don’t you all just agree with these two asses??? awww come on
Do either of these stupid bastards know anything about adolph$#%&!@* How many men, women and children has Trump starved, and worked to death? How many mothers has he forced to have sex with their sons, or fathers with their daughters, or brothers with sisters? How many people has Trump forced to eat their own$#%&!@* or drink their own p**s? How many prisoners has Donald Trump burned, stabbed, or shot so that battlefield techniques for treating his own troops could be developed and practiced. When did Trump kill prisoners then force other prisoners to make soap from their remains, then force them to use that soap to wash with? How many experimental procedures and operations has Trump performed on prisoners without anesthetic to see how they would react? The ignorant idiot scumbag sons of bitches comparing Trump to$#%&!@*are despicable bastards who know nothing of$#%&!@*s unspeakable cruelty to helpless human beings. I can only wish and hope in my own sick minded thinking that such people have an opportunity to experience for themselves, up close and personal, the reality of such horrors about which they speak so ignorantly.
Whatever main stream media may be, it’s dead.
MSNBC you and your liberal idiot’s can shove it where the sun don’t shine. Hillary lost suck it up and stop crying like little bitches.