While many Americans were impressed by Donald Trump’s inspiring, heartfelt inauguration speech yesterday, the liberals in the media went absolutely ape over just about everything he had to say.
Of course, this is keeping in line with their behavior for the past election cycle. Virtually every word uttered by Trump on the campaign trail has been subjected to a level of scrutiny that no president in recent memory has been subjected to. Sure, progressives will whine about mildly critical comments made by some about Barack Obama, but for the most part the press was nothing less than a propaganda arm of the Obama administration.
The polar opposite is the case for Trump, who many in the media have declared a veritable war of words on since the earliest days of his campaign for the presidency. Naturally, this has given way to some truly absurd examples of rhetoric from them.
See video on the next page:
Tired of Professional Politician. I hope the people in Congress understand we have had enough. Give us a choice and we will reject the leeches.
Quit watching these Communists.
It wasn’t either I heard it and loved it
TRUMP was and is Wonderful!! Yous can’t Handle Truth! JUSTICE and the American way
Strange comment coming from a media known for practicing the old$#%&!@*technique of propaganda to influence public perceptions.
Complete idiots.
Perhaps if they are not happy in the United States they should move across the ocean. Seriously , thought about it myself when Obama began his destruction of our country…but, knew it was a matter of time before we elected a real leader who loved our country…so I stayed, quietly until the perfect leader was elected. BRAVO TO TRUMP, PROUD TO BE A DEPLORABLE!
Dumb and$#%&!@*thought I was going to say dumb and dumber didn’t you
Says the people payed by an actual$#%&!@* George Soros.
liberals areevil