While many Americans were impressed by Donald Trump’s inspiring, heartfelt inauguration speech yesterday, the liberals in the media went absolutely ape over just about everything he had to say.
Of course, this is keeping in line with their behavior for the past election cycle. Virtually every word uttered by Trump on the campaign trail has been subjected to a level of scrutiny that no president in recent memory has been subjected to. Sure, progressives will whine about mildly critical comments made by some about Barack Obama, but for the most part the press was nothing less than a propaganda arm of the Obama administration.
The polar opposite is the case for Trump, who many in the media have declared a veritable war of words on since the earliest days of his campaign for the presidency. Naturally, this has given way to some truly absurd examples of rhetoric from them.
See video on the next page:
Oh, go to Canada.
I don’t know where they find these so called journalist. Majored in stupidity.
M s n b c does not exist in my home. I can get my dis information from my computer. I will not watch c n n either.
It is truly astonishing how day-by-day the liberal media loses more-and-more credibility. For a pool of individuals who are supposed to be an intellectual cut above the average person – these people have proven they are nothing short of imbeciles. AMAZING.
Guess what you Morons don’t control what we think and do. Grow up and get over it
He said what I wanted to hear , to bad Chris if you didn’t like it , you can get on the next bus for all we care.
Love you Mom, bridge is on Thursdays
You should know dark, you live there!
I’m sick and tired of hearing all the negative and very little positive from media outlets that appear to be foreign owned .
Richard, they wouldn’t know “real news” to save their last lives. The only people who are influenced by them are the hardened liberals, the young snowflakes, and the weak-minded.