Another young boy falls victim to the now-rampant scourge of gang warfare brought about by the left’s open borders policies.
Presiding over the case of MS-13 gang leader Jose Granados-Guevara, Texas district court Judge Terry Mlenniken sentenced the unrepentant thug to 99 years in state prison. The crime that warranted this sentence? The brutal murder of a 14-year-old boy.
The victim, one Jose Meraz, was an eighth grade student who fell in with the wrong crowd and reportedly became an entry-level member of MS-13. However, Meraz had second thoughts about being a gang member when he was ordered to kill a cousin of his as part of one of the group’s rituals. Infuriated by the boy’s refusal to take his cousin’s life, Granados-Guevara ordered that Meraz be killed, an order that three of his fellow criminals joined him in carrying out as they dragged the unfortunate student out to the woods and hacked him to death with a machete.
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No worries, put them in prison and o”bomb”us will set them free.
I hope he dies in jail
Why is he alive?
Insane are entering USA invited by Obama to destroy America
Death penalty
Should be put to death, sick bastards, Sorry but they do not deserve to live…. Look at them?
Kill them all
If we show love they will put down their machetes.
Islam is based on an ancient cult, that did human sacrifices! Must read is “THE KINGDOM OF THE CULTS” visit http://www.WalterMartin
.org or .com Noah Webster Dictionary defines (online): BIG’OT, n.
1. A person who is obstinately and unreasonably wedded to a particular religious creed, opinion, practice or ritual. The word is sometimes used in an enlarged sense, for a person who is illiberally attached to any opinion, or system of belief; as a bigot to the Mohammedan religion; a bigot to a form of government… )( AN’TI-CHRIST, n. [Gr. against, and Christ.]
A great adversary of Christ; the man of sin; described
1John 2:18. 2Thess. 2. Rev. 9. Protestants generally suppose this adversary to be the Papal power; and some divines believe that, in a more general sense, the word extends to any persons who deny Christ or oppose the fundamental doctrines of christianity.
Why keep him in hail wasting our money feeding and “housing ” him??! Just put him in the electric chair and pull the plug.