Another young boy falls victim to the now-rampant scourge of gang warfare brought about by the left’s open borders policies.
Presiding over the case of MS-13 gang leader Jose Granados-Guevara, Texas district court Judge Terry Mlenniken sentenced the unrepentant thug to 99 years in state prison. The crime that warranted this sentence? The brutal murder of a 14-year-old boy.
The victim, one Jose Meraz, was an eighth grade student who fell in with the wrong crowd and reportedly became an entry-level member of MS-13. However, Meraz had second thoughts about being a gang member when he was ordered to kill a cousin of his as part of one of the group’s rituals. Infuriated by the boy’s refusal to take his cousin’s life, Granados-Guevara ordered that Meraz be killed, an order that three of his fellow criminals joined him in carrying out as they dragged the unfortunate student out to the woods and hacked him to death with a machete.
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Why don’t we just put them to sleep
If your tatted like this…automatic deportion
I think all gangs are pussies and little bitchs when you turn 21 grow the$#%&!@*up a stop the b******t the m13 the bloods and crips stop living with your mommies and be men I know that is asking alot
Obama’s Dreamers.
What do all the tattoos mean and who pays for them?
What a splendid idea!
This kind of c**p coming across the border is why Trump wants to close it. How can anyone be against it?
Deuteronomy 18:9-14 – When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.
1 Corinthians 10New Life Version (NLV)The Danger of Worshiping False Gods
10 Christian brothers, I want you to know what happened to our early fathers. They all walked from the country of Egypt under the cloud that showed them the way, and they all passed through the waters of the Red Sea. 2 They were all baptized as they followed Moses in the cloud and in the sea. 3 All of them ate the same holy food. 4 They all drank the same holy drink. They drank from a holy Rock that went along with them. That holy Rock was Christ. 5 Even then most of them did not please God. He destroyed them in the desert.
6 These things show us something. They teach us not to want things that are bad for us like those people did. 7 We must not worship false gods as some of them did. The Holy Writings tell us, “The people sat down to eat and drink. Then they got up to play.” 8 We must not do sex sins as some of them did. In one day 23,000 died. 9 We must not test the Lord as some of them did. They were destroyed by snakes.10 We must not complain against God as some of them did. That is why they were destroyed.
11 All these things happened to show us something. They were written to teach us that the end of the world is near. 12 So watch yourself! The person who thinks he can stand against sin had better watch that he does not fall into sin. 13 You have never been tempted to sin in any different way than other people. God is faithful. He will not allow you to be tempted more than you can take. But when you are tempted, He will make a way for you to keep from falling into sin.