The heart-breaking video on page 2 is of a devastated mother testifying before Congress about the death of her daughter.
Sarah Root was a collage graduate of one day. She graduated with a 4.0 grade point average and was looking forward to the next steps of an exciting and productive life. En-route to her home, her car was rear-ended by Eswin Mejia, an illegal alien from Honduras who was drunk at the time of the accident, and a repeat offender that had never been deported.
President Obama often speaks of the hard-working immigrants who want to make a good life in the United States. Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders echo the refrain of Obama, which is to bring the illegal aliens “out of the shadows” and give them a pass to stay and become citizens, but the real objective is to convert them into reliable Democrat voters.
Yet stories like Sarah’s and Eswin’s are all to common, and the administration is determined to open the door to even more illegal immigration, not to enforce the laws now on the books. The rest of the story is even more outrageous, see page 2 for the video and the outcome of legal proceedings against Eswin.
See video on page 2:
Illegal Immigration must be stopped
Our courts are screwed up our people are screwed up,our goverment has been screwed up,this country is going to hell in a hand basket.
First: All Followers of Islam have been legally banned from the US since 1952. Demand our laws be enforced! Second: Sometimes history is our best teacher. When you know your enemy’s worst, and in this case, only Fear, your obviously use it against them. Although Brig. Gen. John “Blackjack” Pershing has been credited for the event by history, it was actually US Army Col. Alexander Rodgers of the 6th Cavalry who, in 1911, who stopped an Islamic uprising in the Philippines by taking advantage of the theological taboo of the Muslims. Rodgers inaugurated the practice of burying all dead Islamic rebels in a common grave with the carcasses of slaughtered pigs. Islamic religion forbids Muslims to have contact with pork. The tactic Rodgers used on a regular basis was to bury the rebels he executed with pig entrails, which would prevent that Islamist from going to heaven.
Gen. John J. Pershing was in overall command of Rodger’s garrison. There had been scores of Islamic terrorist attacks on the predominantly Catholic Filipino population which the Muslims were attempting to overthrow. Pershing ordered Rodgers to put an end to the killing. Rodgers caught 25 Islamic terrorists are ordered 24 of them to dig their own graves. The 25th was forced to watch. Rodger’s troops brought in pigs and slaughtered them, rubbing their bullets with the blood and pig fat.
The terrorists, who had heard horror stories about American soldiers dipping their bullets in pigs’ blood were about to experience their worst nightmare first hand. The terrorists were terrorized. They were going to be contaminated with pig blood. That meant they couldn’t enter Heaven—even if they died as martyrs. Of course, that also meant there would not be 72 virgins waiting for them in hog heaven.
Rodgers ordered the 24—who were forced to dig the mass grave that would be their final resting place—shot. Their bodies were dumped into the mass grave. The 25th terrorist was forced to watch. The pig entrails were unceremoniously poured over the lifeless terrorist corpses. The witness was released and returned to the terrorist camp where he related to his Muslim cohorts what happened to his comrades. What Rodgers did brought an end to Islamic terrorism in the Philippines for the next 50 years. It should be clear to the world that only terrorism will shake the terrorist. Sometimes you have no choice but to fight fire with fire.
This is a tragedy! We need closed borders NOW on all sides!
The illegal who killed her should have had to pay for the burial and any other costs!
I think our president should pay for all funerals, where person was killed by illegal and or Isis!
We’ll and what are they doing about we want the miltary to round all these people up and send miltary to all borders we demand the remivel of these peopleyou never had out permission to illegally let them in we demand they be sent back everyone
The liberals should my be in the government they are stewing up our country we don’t have the monryf or this
Sad rip
Hopefully all thses will change when TRUMP is president.