The heart-breaking video on page 2 is of a devastated mother testifying before Congress about the death of her daughter.
Sarah Root was a collage graduate of one day. She graduated with a 4.0 grade point average and was looking forward to the next steps of an exciting and productive life. En-route to her home, her car was rear-ended by Eswin Mejia, an illegal alien from Honduras who was drunk at the time of the accident, and a repeat offender that had never been deported.
President Obama often speaks of the hard-working immigrants who want to make a good life in the United States. Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders echo the refrain of Obama, which is to bring the illegal aliens “out of the shadows” and give them a pass to stay and become citizens, but the real objective is to convert them into reliable Democrat voters.
Yet stories like Sarah’s and Eswin’s are all to common, and the administration is determined to open the door to even more illegal immigration, not to enforce the laws now on the books. The rest of the story is even more outrageous, see page 2 for the video and the outcome of legal proceedings against Eswin.
See video on page 2:
Fking shame….. Corruption at its best. Someone needs to clean out the bs from the judicial system…. Starting at the white house zoo!
He’s on bail? Hunt the fucker down and terminate with extreme prejudice.
All over the country…most aren’t covered by media! This is bad! Vote Trump!
The terrorist muslim mole has an agenda, to destroy this country. This is one of the easy ways..then he gives Iran $190 B ..what do you think they are doing with those $$$? He allows ISIS to grow beyond our imagination, The one reason the were able to grow and HE knew it would happen is by pulling our troops out of Iraq and LEAVING all of our very expensive military equipment behind..gee, I wonder who would steal all those very expensive hummers and military items…ISIS! Don’t be silly, this is an agenda!!!!
Disgusting!!! I feel so bad for the girls family !
Out of his own pocket
It’s time for the American people to stand up and take care of this problem we need to organize and take this country back join your local militia or your 3% group
Well said very well said the Immigration Act of 1924 banned all Muslims and all Asians now look at the problems that we have in this country when you go down the list it all comes together that’s all I can say or should say I guess
My sympathy to this girl’s family