Morgan Freeman is showing his true colors as a hardcore leftist as evidenced by the ridiculous ahistorical “real-life screenplay” reading by Freeman making its way around the internet.
The PSA is produced by the “non-partisan” Committee to Investigate Russia masterminded by “Meathead”. But, did anyone actually use up as much as 1 collective brain cell in making this PSA?
Continue on to the next page to learn how “nonpartisan” means “we all hate Trump” and the cringe-worthy video of Freeman reading copies of the Russian Conspiracies Hillary had printed off following the election
We are at war with dumbfuck liberals
Killary and barack gave them urainum, would that be considered treason?
We gave them our space program and with it our technology. Stupid is as stupid does or maybe it was done intentionally? Who in their right mind would do that?
Then why did BO and OLD HILL, try to start a reset with them, and why did BO, disagree with Mitt Romney during the debate, he disparaged Romney when Romney was complete right and BO was wrong
Obama destroying countries everywhere.
Yes the liberals WANT war with PUTIN bc He REJECTED their ORDER to JOIN their NWO
The LIBERAL RE SETTING button did NOT work and THAT is WHY they want WAR with PUTIN but HE did not take the BAIT
Let’s take a reality check!!! CHINA CHINA CHINA
Your brother obama created the war