Morgan Freeman: Obama’s Election Made Racism Worse

I’m going to get this right out of the way:  I love Morgan Freeman!  His acting rocks and he is such a pleasure to listen to when he’s narrating some science or nature show.


There is a video that has been circulating on YouTube and abroad that contains two clips of him in interviews, one with 60 Minutes regarding “Black History Month” and another on CNN about inequality and racism.  The first with Mike Wallace is more than a decade old and the second with Don Lemon about three years old.

The intended purpose, from what I can infer from the text introduction, is that the maker of the compilation video is attempting to get people to believe that Morgan Freeman is a Conservative-minded individual. Even the title saying “Morgan Freeman Obama Made Racism Worse…” is not truly what he’s saying. What he specifically said in the video is “Obama’s ELECTION made racism worse.” He wasn’t saying that Obama was racist, but that because he was elected, racism by Whites in the country blew up and became the Tea Party. That’s a far cry from “Obama is a racist.”

This all stems from a feeling of insecurity within Conservative circles.  There’s a weird acceptance-problem out there with Conservatives in that they all feel like they don’t belong in society at large if they espouse that point-of-view.  That has caused many Conservatives and those sites that purport to hold Conservative values as overly enthusiastic to bring aboard “woke” Conservatives; those famous individuals who are easily recognizable, popular, and hold strong views publicly.

With the entire Hollywood jet-set crowd and artistic community, as well as the “rock-star” politicians that are created by the Fake News Industrial Complex and late-night comedy shows, all being Liberals, Leftists, Communists, Socialists and (though they won’t admit it) Fascists, it’s no wonder that Conservatives have celebrity-envy!

So, as happens with this type of dynamic, if even one out-of-work or semi-well-known actor or actress endorses any point-of-view that barely resembles Conservatism, the party faithful fall to their knees in reverence, attempting to paint every single little thing that the celebrity says as “Conservative!”

Listen to the video below which is demonstrating a need for Morgan Freeman (both actor and a Black man) to be Conservative:

As can be seen in both these clips, the interviewers are attempting to get Freeman to speak outwardly about racial issues in our country.  In both of these instances, Freeman does NOT take the bait.  In fact, he goes above and beyond to ensure that no one can call him a Liberal.  I’m not really sure as to why Freeman happened to have had these reactions during these interviews in just the way he did, but it’s enticing to note that his opinions actually make sense and are very well-articulated.

Understand, too, that Don Lemon was attempting to pull other, more mainstream Leftist ideology out of Freeman, but could not.  This was all too confusing to the younger Black anchor who was under the impression that, by virtue of their shared commonality (their “Blackness”) that Freeman would surely agree with him about race issues and income inequality in the US.

You see, Lemon, like all Leftists (while in addition to denying they’re Democrats…which is so laughable) has become so used to celebrities being ultra-Left-wing automatons that they, like Conservatives, feel the need to gather all celebrities into their Regressive cliques!  So, it’s not just the Conservatives who feel this “need to belong.”  In fact, to be ultimately fair, Leftists are much more likely to have this “need to belong” than Conservatives.

Think about it for a moment:  If you’re an animal rights activist, you must agree with PETA, and, by virtue of that, you must also necessarily agree with Climate Change and environmentalism.  If you’re onboard for those, then, by all means, you MUST also advocate on behalf of the LGBT-community!  And Transgenderism!  Let’s not forget that, in order to show your support for Islam, you have to demonstrate your equal support for LGBT because we’re trying to illustrate that Islam and the Gay community are not mutually exclusive!

The “need to belong” is very strong in Leftist circles.  Again, if you belong to one group, you MUST belong to all groups.  It’s an obligation…a requirement.

For Don Lemon, the confusion was apparent because he couldn’t understand why Freeman wasn’t onboard for the whole race issue and the income inequality.  He was genuinely perplexed:  “Whaddaya mean, you don’t agree with the rest of us Leftists?”

All in all, Freeman looks Conservative.  Now, let’s talk about Freeman’s direct involvement into the Obama Presidential Center (not Library…he was emphatic…it will NOT be called a Library because Obama has much different intentions for this place).  The OPC will not be a museum-like building filled with relics and “proof” about him being the most popular president in the history of our country, or “fake news” headlines about how the sea levels decreased during his time in office.  No, no, no.  This will be a place of ACTION…or rather, ACTIVISM!

Not only will the Obama Presidential Center be a place where people can get “involved” in the political process, but it will undoubtedly feature a symposium auditorium where willing community organizers, protesters, rioters, fellow anarchists and other friendly people will be able to assemble and listen to influential speakers like Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Yvette Falarca, Lena Dunham, Sandra Fluke, Susan Rice, Lois Lerner and the Thug-Of-The-Entire-Month (TOTEM) from Antifa.  There will be voting registration booths where wax figures of your favorite ACORN members will adorn the daisies, and lessons on how to shop around for activist judges when trying to thwart the Constitution of the United States and tutorials on how to lobby George Soros for an injection of cash into one of your pet globalist projects.  There will undoubtedly be areas of interactive displays where you can push buttons that will light up and animate certain portions of the exhibits, explaining how money launder for the DNC through union organizations, build successful dossiers of opposition research on your opponents and, most importantly of all, demonstrate the proper language that will allow you as an elected official to always appear as if you were the champion of the people and not responsible for any of the terrible causes in society that directly resulted precisely because of your actions.

Morgan Freeman went to dinner with Barack Hussein Obama and discussed at length the Obama Presidential Center and its implementation.  Does that sound like a Conservative to you?

Additionally, he has agreed to assist President Obama in ANY endeavor whatsoever.  He has proudly proclaimed that he is securely embedded in the “hip pocket of the president” (his words, not mine).

Here, Freeman who, in the clips above, insists that we should stop referring to people as Black or White, makes a comment to the interviewer in this video when she asks about the security detail that the president has, “He’s the president of the United States…and he’s Black…and there’s a whole lot of people out there who don’t want to see that!”

So, before you begin singing the praises of yet another “hero of Conservatism,” please remember that while building the Morgan Freeman Shrine, you listen to just a few of the more recent videos about his very close relationship with the former president as well as his feeling about the Tea Party, as heard in the interview below:



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