Professor Charles K. Smith decided to protest the implementation of legal concealed carry in Texas by showing up to class wearing helmet and body armor.
Professor Charles K. Smith, who wore the gear to his Physical Geography class at San Antonio College, drew comments on social media from both sides of the argument on campus this week.
“It definitely makes me feel uneasy that there are more firearms on campus than there really should be,” Smith told “(Dressing this way) was just a statement on how I felt.”
You’d think an educated college professor would have a better defense of his anti-guns stance than feelings. What is the right amount of guns on campus? Do you also gauge that number on your feelings? No wonder Professor Smith studies rocks – they match his head.
Signed by Gov. Greg Abbott two years ago, SB 11 gave public four-year colleges and universities in Texas a year to establish local policies to allow guns on campus. Now, community colleges are following suit at the two-year mark with the law taking effect Aug. 1.
“I realize students were carrying guns on campus illegally, but now it’s legal to do so,” Smith said. “It increases the chances of something happening.”
San Antonio College is a part of the Alamo Community College District and has an enrollment of about 25,000.
It was one thing when they were doing it illegally. But, now that it’s legal all hell is gonna break lose… Don’t seen to ever hear these same argument being made about abortion or other similar polarizing arguments.
Source: Guns
It’s embarrassing our children are exposed to this stupidity.
Impeached for WHAT? Enforcing the LAW?