It is more than just rude and ignorant to march into someone’s nation and tell them that their legal system is wrong and that these migrants are going to change it to suit themselves. It is grounds for their being told to turn around and leave. Put bluntly, there are vast areas of the world where those who wish to practice Sharia Law can do so to their hearts’ content. The United States does not happen to be one of those countries. That this upsets some people is their problem and just too bad.
There are a growing number of states that are passing legislation to insure that the obvious is made even more plain. They are outlawing Sharia Law. Good for them. Texas would be one such state. South Carolina would be another.
Now Montana is on track to do the same.
After a lengthy debate, with Democrats and Republicans disagreeing on the intent of a Senate bill to prohibit state courts from applying foreign law, the legislation advanced in the House largely along party lines with a 56-44 vote.
Senate Bill 97, carried by Keith Regier, R-Kalispell, doesn’t specifically mention Sharia law, but it was the only kind of foreign law mentioned during testimony in both the Senate and House judiciary committees.
The source article offers a good summary of the problem with Sharia Law.
Sharia law is the religious governance followed by people practicing Islam. Sharia utilizes religious texts to determine divine will. Its implementation varies across the world, with Saudi Arabia adhering to strict punishments like stoning, while in other countries it is most regularly used in personal law such as marriage and divorce.
Democrats typically oppose the outlawing of Sharia Law. Have they, in their mindless embracing of political-correctness, lost their marbles? Since when does the left (or anyone else in America) support or tolerate the stoning of gays? Or the beating of “disobedient wives?”
Of course, that vast majority of Muslims don’t practice those acts, but that’s beside the point. Is the left, specifically liberal feminism, prepared to allow such laws to be on the books in the United States? If so, why should they have problems with laws from a previous era that treated wives as chattel? Or prevented women for voting?
The left is a jumble of contradictions on this issue. Their beliefs are utterly incoherent to the point of making themselves look ridiculous.
That you can get a bunch of people to support something as undemocratic as Sharia Law is obvious. That you can do so and still claim allegiance to the U.S. Constitution is only possible by accepting legal, moral, and social inconsistencies to the point of absurdity.
Is that the depths to which the left has descended?
Source: Billings Gazette
Photo: Daily Mail
Danny Ellis , TRUMP EFFECT: Muslims FURIOUS As “First Country To Ban Islam” Does THIS To Over 80 Mosques!
By Frank Lea
1.Muslims are super mad right now. There’s about 80 mosques that are about to be destroyed.
2.I believe this is a direct result from all the radical Islamic terrorism that’s happened and this country is taking a stand against the violence, crime, and rape that too very often comes from Muslims.
The African nation of Angola has become the first country in the world to entirely ban Islam. Angolan Minister of Culture Rosa Cruz e Silva stated that Islam is “contradictory to the customs of Angola culture,” and so it cannot exist in the Christian nation.
“The process of legalization of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human rights,” Silva told reporters. “Their mosques would be closed until further notice.” All of the more than 80 mosques in Angola are set to be destroyed.
Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos called the move “the final end of Islamic influence in our country.” The Angolan government has fully backed the decision, saying that Islam is not a religion, but a sect.
This is a hard decision to debate because there sometimes are Muslims who don’t commit acts of terror or crime. If those Muslims fight against the violence, then they usually get killed as well.
It’s a shame that some people feel that violence is necessary. Whatever happened to peace? Why can’t some groups make a difference in the world without blowing something up.
How about building something up?
Making a positive difference always has a lasting result, a lot more than any terrorist attack.
After terror attacks, people just go back to their normal life. Terror attacks don’t have a lasting appeal to them. They happen, people recover, people move on. That’s just how it is because people are resilient.
I believe that Muslims would be more accepted if they had a positive impact with their culture, fought against their own violent members and put an end to the bad image that people have of them.
When terror attacks happen, it just gives people a negative opinion of that religion.
That can be changed, but it has to come from within their religion and they have to be willing to make a change for the better.
Violence isn’t the answer and doesn’t carry a good message to anyone.
Danny Ellis , 3 Non-Immigrations Laws !!—–>#1.Immigration Act of 1907
The Law: Federal legislation regulating immigration
Date: Signed into law on February 20, 1907
Significance: This law created the Dillingham Commission to collect data used in future immigration laws, further narrowed Asian immigration, limited Muslim immigration, and expanded the definition of undesirable women immigrants.
——————————————————————————— #2. Law—————> Islam, by law, is prohibited from US immigration
The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality for the United States. That act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today. Among the many issues it covers, one in particular, found in Chapter 2 Section 212, is the prohibition of entry to the US if the Alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by “force, violence, or other unlawful means.” This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States, but this law is being ignored by the White House.Islamic immigration to the US would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the US government, the Constitution, and to the Republic. All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life’s guiding principal subscribe to submission to Islam and its form of government. Now the political correct crowd would say that Islamists cannot be prohibited from entering the US because Islam is a religion. Whether it is a religion is immaterial because the law states that Aliens who are affiliated with any “organization” that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited
(iii) any activity a purpose of which is the opposition to, or the control or overthrow of, the Government of the United States by force, violence, or other unlawful means, is inadmissible.
You can read it in it’s entirety at:
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
Obama’s lack of action to PROTECT AMERICA & AMERICANS FIRST is a complete dereliction to OATH & DUTY of AMERICA’S PRESIDENCY. Before he entered on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: — “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. ARTICLE II, SECTION 1, CLAUSE 8
Obama is committing TREASON against the Presidency, it’s people, our allies and our Constitution and NO POTUS is above the Supreme Law of the land aka our Constitution, PERIOD.I believe he should be held responsible for his actions even after he leaves office and PROSECUTED to the FULLEST for TREASON…
——————————————————————————— #3..Law—–>U.S. Laws;
December 9, 2015 Dianne Marshall
America’s Usurper, Obama has been supporting his Muslim brothers and violating The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. On the USCIS web site. In Section 212 Chapter 2, it Prohibits entry into America Aliens belonging to an organization seeking the unlawful overthrow of the federal government of the United States by force, violence and other unconstitutional means.
Islamic immigration would be illegal under this law. Why? The Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam. To which are against our values and violate the Constitution as it requires them to kill the infidel, which happens to be citizens of he United States.
The Islamic faith also requires total submission to Islam and its form of government. The law states that Aliens affiliated with any “organization” that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited”.
So Obama and all who advocate Syrian Islamist refugees into the nation are violating the law, as well as allowing any Muslims into America that practice Sharia law.
Those that advocate that Islam is just a peaceful religion and have rights that fall under the 1st Amendment are not understanding the immigration laws on the books, nor are they understanding what Sharia law really is. It is a government body that goes against the constitution and our Republic and the laws of the United States of America.
Those that would rather turn a blind eye on the facts need to come to a real discussion and not false rhetoric to push an agenda. Let the real debate begin!
Please read the PDF copy of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952:…/STATUTE-66/pdf/STATUTE-66-Pg163.pdf
The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (Pub.L. 82–414, 66 Stat. 163, enacted June 27, 1952), also known as the McCarran–Walter Act, restricted immigration into the U.S. and is codified under Title 8 of the United States Code (8 U.S.C. ch. 12). The Act governs primarily immigration to and citizenship in the United States. It has been in effect since December 24, 1952. Before this Act, a variety of statutes governed immigration law but were not organized within one body of text.
Read more at…
Dianne Marshall
On june 27, 1952, American government passed a law, called “1952 McCarran Walters act”, that actually outlawed Sharia, but Obama never intended to enforce it or even let you know about it at all. Instead he started to import thousands of aggressive Muslim “refugees”, who refused to integrate and demanded to be allowed to live under sharia law instead of American constitution.
Now it’s within Donald Trump’s authority to enforce that law and ban Sharia in every state across America.
Do you want him to do that?
Danny Ellis , 3 Non-Immigration laws of no middle eastern sharia. These laws have been in effect for 112 years now…since Pres. Theodore Roosevelt (banned them period ) & down to now ! All Presidents have ” honored them ” except GHW Bush, Billy boy sex toy Clinton/GWBush & Obama !!! But ” FB ” will not let me post it !!!! Isn’t that soooo non-American of them.!!!——>Titles of the laws–>…1907 Imigration Act / McCarren /Walters Act 1952 & William C. Birkett June 1952/—->Every President worth his salt abided by this until ….guess who…..” G.H.W.Bush ” …let them in for his ” 7 year Foreign Investment Act ” so foreign nationals a.k.a. Muslims/Indians/Pakistanni’s could buy & own /run ” gas stations ” here in the U.S. !! WHY ? ” Zapata Petroleum Corporation .
It is illegal that Obama is bringing Syrian Muslim refugees here at all. !!——>This country was not founded on Islamic Sharia Law at all ————————————————————–>This is when we Presidents with ” Steel Spines & Loved the American Citizen & Common Sense & Logic ” ……now we have ” oval office sitters ” that are ” Socialist , greedy,Treasonous, criminal, non-American white/black trash with their own AGENDA’s ” , unlike this man here …..President Theodore Roosevelt who did this instead of bring them here to ” rape / kill ” us !!!,————————————–>Flashback: Roosevelt Bans “Entire Mohammedan World” From Immigrating to USA
The leftist media would have you believe that Donald Trump is too reactionary, too racist, and too xenophobic to become president, and they usually point toward Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim aliens to prove their point. (Trump has since changed his ban to a restriction on any individual coming to the United States from a country compromised from terrorism.) Unfortunately, history is at odds with the left’s claims.
President Theodore Roosevelt, also a Republican, signed a bill that banned practicing Muslims from entering the United States after he won the election in 1904. He won that election with 336 electoral votes, 190 more than his challenger, Alton B. Parker.
Sure, times have changed in the past hundred years, but polling data suggests that Trump’s ban, even in its most controversial form, was supported by the majority of the United States. It’s another fact that the mainstream media conveniently forgets when attacking the GOP nominee.
See details on Roosevelt’s implicit ban on the next page:
Donald Trump came under fire late last year when he proposed a ban on immigration by foreign aliens — but he’s not the first person to do so. In fact, it was done by a sitting president.
A hundred years ago, Muslims were furious over an immigration bill whose origins lay with advocacy by a headstrong and loudmouthed Republican in the White House.
The anti-immigration bill offended the Ottoman Empire, the rotting Caliphate of Islam soon to be defeated at the hands of America and the West, by banning the entry of “all polygamists, or persons who admit their belief in the practice of polygamy.”
This, as was pointed out at the time, would prohibit the entry of the “entire Mohammedan world” into the United States.
And indeed it would.
The battle had begun earlier when President Theodore Roosevelt had declared in his State of the Union address back in 1906 that Congress needed to have the power to “deal radically and efficiently with polygamy.” The Immigration Act of 1907, signed into law by President Theodore Roosevelt, had banned “polygamists, or persons who admit their belief in the practice of polygamy.”
It was the last part that was most significant because it made clear what had only been implied.
The Immigration Act of 1891 had merely banned polygamists. The newest law banned anyone who believed in the practice of polygamy. That group included every faithful believing Muslim.
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The left seems to have forgotten this piece of legislation when attacking Trump’s credibility. While they’d likely relish any opportunity to attack a Republican — even one from a hundred years ago — it doesn’t serve their immediate goals. They don’t seem to care about principle, they only want to destroy Trump and send Hillary Clinton to the White House.
Well maybe all the Muslim will move to Montana. You folks in Montana who do not like this law, come on down south and help fight the upcoming civil war. It is definitely on its way.
Nan Brant…so… You jest, right?
Nan Brant…so… You jest, right? Just where did you get your education on that from?
Nan Brandt…so… You jest, right? Just where did you get your education on that from?
Washington Times maybe? I was wondering the same thing Virginia .