Montana Legislature Moves to Ban Sharia Law

It is more than just rude and ignorant to march into someone’s nation and tell them that their legal system is wrong and that these migrants are going to change it to suit themselves. It is grounds for their being told to turn around and leave. Put bluntly, there are vast areas of the world where those who wish to practice Sharia Law can do so to their hearts’ content. The United States does not happen to be one of those countries. That this upsets some people is their problem and just too bad.

There are a growing number of states that are passing legislation to insure that the obvious is made even more plain. They are outlawing Sharia Law. Good for them. Texas would be one such state. South Carolina would be another.

Now Montana is on track to do the same.

After a lengthy debate, with Democrats and Republicans disagreeing on the intent of a Senate bill to prohibit state courts from applying foreign law, the legislation advanced in the House largely along party lines with a 56-44 vote.

Senate Bill 97, carried by Keith Regier, R-Kalispell, doesn’t specifically mention Sharia law, but it was the only kind of foreign law mentioned during testimony in both the Senate and House judiciary committees.

The source article offers a good summary of the problem with Sharia Law.

Sharia law is the religious governance followed by people practicing Islam. Sharia utilizes religious texts to determine divine will. Its implementation varies across the world, with Saudi Arabia adhering to strict punishments like stoning, while in other countries it is most regularly used in personal law such as marriage and divorce.

Democrats typically oppose the outlawing of Sharia Law. Have they, in their mindless embracing of political-correctness, lost their marbles? Since when does the left (or anyone else in America) support or tolerate the stoning of gays? Or the beating of “disobedient wives?”

Of course, that vast majority of Muslims don’t practice those acts, but that’s beside the point. Is the left, specifically liberal feminism, prepared to allow such laws to be on the books in the United States? If so, why should they have problems with laws from a previous era that treated wives as chattel? Or prevented women for voting?

The left is a jumble of contradictions on this issue. Their beliefs are utterly incoherent to the point of making themselves look ridiculous.

That you can get a bunch of people to support something as undemocratic as Sharia Law is obvious. That you can do so and still claim allegiance to the U.S. Constitution is only possible by accepting legal, moral, and social inconsistencies to the point of absurdity.

Is that the depths to which the left has descended?

Source: Billings Gazette

Photo: Daily Mail



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