Monsanto just keeps getting better. Monsanto is creating genetically modifyied “flying ants” to replace the ever depleted population of bees. And where are all the bees going?
The pesticides Monsanto is filling the atmosphere with–take the story from a Target store outside Portland Oregon in June 2013. To protect the nearby “Linden” trees, pesticides were sprayed throughout the area.
Next day, thousands of bees were falling from the sky, onto a Target parking lot. But don’t worry, Monsanto has an answer.
See Monsanto’s plan on next page
That is just f*ing great. Now they are manipulating nature. Where are the environmentalists?
Wouldn’t it be easier to stop killing the bees?
Quit making the poison that is killing the bees. Case closed.
Bring the bees back and no to Monsanto.
gee what could possible go wrong
monsanto sucks, QUIT KILLING OUR BEES, END OF STORY and no to modifying anything you freaks
How can we downsize the population of the world,I know we will hire Monsanto and the public won’t even know.
monsanto destroying the world ecosystem
wtf is going on?
They don’t want their shareholders dead.