Science has, on many, many occasions served to shut down certain critics of religion and religious history. In particular, the Old Testament of the Christian Bible (based on the Jewish Torah) and the New Testament have been the target of naysayers, atheists, and Leftist revisionist historians for centuries. With the advent of modern technology and scientific theory and exploration, archaeological excavation has uncovered corroborating evidence time and time again that clarified and verified long-held assertions by Jews and Christians that the books of the Bibles (both Jewish and Christian) are accurate and true histories of what has already occurred in ages past.
If you’re like me, you enjoy a good documentary. There are literally thousands out there on any given subject. Some of the really enjoyable ones are those that take no particular biased opinion, but work from the standpoint of a person simply trying to discover truth. I used to be a fan of the History Channel until I actually began to research subject matter myself. Then, the ugly truth emerged and that was that the History Channel, A&E, Discovery, National Geographic, etc., etc., were all on the same page as far as developing a storyline and delivering the finished product. Number one, it has to be marketable. Can’t make money without someone wanting to watch it and without advertisers interested in sponsoring that show. Number two, it has to be controversial or provocative. For obvious reasons, you don’t want a real draw-out boring program (see Number one above). And Number three, it has to have a slight, extreme or radical Leftist slant. This is key in the packaging of these shows because of the types of people involved in the production, the actors who bring the stories to life, and the sponsors who follow trends based on social media and sales statistics.
For this reason, I completely avoid all the Liberal trappings of the documentaries which pretend to be about “exposing the truth” about history, particularly when it comes to anything that happens to be sacred to Christians or is deeply ensconced in identity politics or racial inequality. If you’ve ever gone on Netflix to watch a documentary about, say, the Book of Genesis, you’d be sadly mistaken to believe that this will be an in-depth study of the Book of Genesis. Rather (as becomes quickly apparent during your viewing of the show) the program is out to disprove the Book of Genesis in one way or another. They usually approach the subject matter from several different angles, all exposing the “lies or half-truths of the men who wrote the Book.” And this is a pattern with practically 100% of the so-called documentaries. The information is there to test your faith, to see if you’re actually paying attention to scripture and not to the flashy, state-of-the-art computer graphic renderings of the construction of Solomon’s Temple or the Exodus from Egypt.
Once again, science has come to the rescue and facts bear out more evidence that the Bible should be taken at its literal word rather than in mystical metaphors and allegory. Read on the following page about the amazing new DNA evidence direct from Egypt that will shut the mouths of condescending Liberals…at least temporarily. An extraordinary finding!
I usually don’t get into these types of debates on FB because no one is going to change anyone’s mind. I keep reading about how great and powerful God is and how the bible is his word and should be taken literally. I have a story and then a question for all of the “believers”.
In my hometown there was a 6 year old little girl, her name was Polly. She had pretty green eyes and blonde hair, at least she did when the chemo hadn’t caused it all to fall out. Polly loved school even though she didn’t always get to go because she was sick so often. Her dad worked all of the hours he could at work, sometimes 7 days a week so that her mother could stay at home with her and they could afford her medications. Her parents, both awesome people, did everything they could, made whatever sacrifices they had to in order to care for her. One day Polly was having a very bad day, she was in alot ally of pain, and then she began to vomit. She wouldn’t stop, even after she was empty she continued to heave. The doctors told her parents that it was just a matter.of time, Polly was dying and there was nothing anyone could do for her. 12 days after her 6th birthday Polly was in constant pain, crying, laying in her father’s lap while he rubbed her back and wished that there was some way to help his baby girl. Then Polly was gone. Just like that. A sweet, green eyed, blonde 6 year old girl died in pain.
The way I see it
1: Gods not there.
2: He’s there and could have done something but chose not to.
3: He’s there but isn’t the all powerful being you believe him to be and couldn’t have done anything.
Now the question. Why would an omnipresent, omniscient, all loving being allow Polly to die in pain laying in her father’s lap?
thats cute, but the original 80 books of the Bible was cut short in 1611 by the Vatican, so what exactly do you believe?
Cut short by Vatican? All I can say is God is in control, whether you live here or on Mars, whether you study Hebrew, KJV, or any other version. You look for excuses and constantly challenge someone to answer your perplexing questions. I am not perplexed; quite the contrary. Your questions ultimately should be directed toward your Maker, not people on Facebook, then the Spirit will lead you to the answer.
Walt Pheonix Pegeas If you are talking to me, I do not teach to be cute. Lack of knowledge abounds and I just try to share what I know. If that is offensive, then find another avenue.
Ha ha! Who came first, man or the other animals? No matter what you say I can prove you wrong using your own bible.
I agree
This is a good read…..something worth absorbing……
Of course it is, how could you think otherwise?
A very interesting read
There are some who do anything to disprove the Bible