Science has, on many, many occasions served to shut down certain critics of religion and religious history. In particular, the Old Testament of the Christian Bible (based on the Jewish Torah) and the New Testament have been the target of naysayers, atheists, and Leftist revisionist historians for centuries. With the advent of modern technology and scientific theory and exploration, archaeological excavation has uncovered corroborating evidence time and time again that clarified and verified long-held assertions by Jews and Christians that the books of the Bibles (both Jewish and Christian) are accurate and true histories of what has already occurred in ages past.
If you’re like me, you enjoy a good documentary. There are literally thousands out there on any given subject. Some of the really enjoyable ones are those that take no particular biased opinion, but work from the standpoint of a person simply trying to discover truth. I used to be a fan of the History Channel until I actually began to research subject matter myself. Then, the ugly truth emerged and that was that the History Channel, A&E, Discovery, National Geographic, etc., etc., were all on the same page as far as developing a storyline and delivering the finished product. Number one, it has to be marketable. Can’t make money without someone wanting to watch it and without advertisers interested in sponsoring that show. Number two, it has to be controversial or provocative. For obvious reasons, you don’t want a real draw-out boring program (see Number one above). And Number three, it has to have a slight, extreme or radical Leftist slant. This is key in the packaging of these shows because of the types of people involved in the production, the actors who bring the stories to life, and the sponsors who follow trends based on social media and sales statistics.
For this reason, I completely avoid all the Liberal trappings of the documentaries which pretend to be about “exposing the truth” about history, particularly when it comes to anything that happens to be sacred to Christians or is deeply ensconced in identity politics or racial inequality. If you’ve ever gone on Netflix to watch a documentary about, say, the Book of Genesis, you’d be sadly mistaken to believe that this will be an in-depth study of the Book of Genesis. Rather (as becomes quickly apparent during your viewing of the show) the program is out to disprove the Book of Genesis in one way or another. They usually approach the subject matter from several different angles, all exposing the “lies or half-truths of the men who wrote the Book.” And this is a pattern with practically 100% of the so-called documentaries. The information is there to test your faith, to see if you’re actually paying attention to scripture and not to the flashy, state-of-the-art computer graphic renderings of the construction of Solomon’s Temple or the Exodus from Egypt.
Once again, science has come to the rescue and facts bear out more evidence that the Bible should be taken at its literal word rather than in mystical metaphors and allegory. Read on the following page about the amazing new DNA evidence direct from Egypt that will shut the mouths of condescending Liberals…at least temporarily. An extraordinary finding!
The acid test of intelligence is whether what you choose to believe is true.
Each living soul has to find its own truth and live with it, or die with it. All others have their own folly or joys ,you are alone,,,
There is only ONE truth, the remainder is your unthinking brain refusing to logically investigate the lies, myths, and fictions.
Roy, I really don’t believe in the so called intelligence of over half of the scientists out there. Most of their so called facts are based on their own theories and what makes sense to them. That’s too subjective for me to satisfy me. It leaves no room for the mystery of miracles and the unexplainable.
Miracles and the unexplainable remain such only until someone discovers the cause, or method, akin to a magicians trick that appears impossible. A hundred years ago even the scientists would have said that much of our current technology is magic, or miracle, and certainly unexplained.
You mean miracles, when at times an adult or child is ravaged with a terminal disease and the doctors have given up, as prayers for that person continue to flow in. Then suddenly, without any medical reasoning or logic, the person’s health turns for the better and the terminal disease totally subsides, leaving the doctors attributing it to a miracle of God. This has happened a number of times in people’s lives.
Without present knowledge, and doctors are fond of proclaiming dire circumstances prematurely through lack of “knowledge”. A hundred years ago smallpox was often a death sentence, today it’s cancer, among others. and there will always be those who recover after the doctors have written them off. Not miracles, just the body’s ability to overcome “what ails it”.
So you don’t believe the ability, for a human body to overcome something that has completely ravaged it, even a miracle? Roy, I got to tell you this, with no insult intended. If everything was able to be totally explained, what a drab, lifeless existence that would be. I would equate it to a rich person, who could afford anything, that they could want. For me, if I was in that position, life would become so boring and drab. That’s why, I’d give the majority of it away. O guess it’s the same if it were possible to explain everything away. Life would be so boring and mundane, with no surprises, no hope, with no joy.
Perhaps you should “carefully” reread my comment. Your diagnoses of life belies the thrill of discovery, the elation of adding to your knowledge, using your mind to decipher the mysteries of the unknown, instead of relying on “miracles”. Of course, there are always those who consider thinking too tough. Usually they are the religious, always palming the vagaries of life off to the “almighty”. Since I sense that you are among this forlorn bunch, further communication is a waste of time.
Roy, I’ll finish our dialog with this. Yes, if I’m one of the “forlorn bunch”, because I give God the credit for unexplained miracles, then so be it, I’m guilty as charged. I will tell this though, my uncle, who I loved dearly and had great admiration for, was a professor, who taught Physics at a college. He was brilliant. I remember one time I walked past him, as he was reading a book, four inches in thickness, titled “What is Light”. There is no doubt in my mind, that he understood every word he read. Your intelligence to his would be spit in a bucket. The difference between you and he was, that he never mentioned his intelligence, never bragged about it, nor put others down. He was also a pastor, who had a real zeal and love for God. He traveled the country doing sermons for vacationing pastors. He was kind with a great sense of humor. His quest to become more intelligent was to even understand the glory of his creator better. As, I stated in an earlier post, I feel sorry for you, because your drowning in insecurity and futility, insulting others as you tread in your own turmoil. As I also said, I prayed for you this morning and there came a point, where I thought that you could actually discuss life, without being so hateful, but even that seems to great a task for you. The truth is Roy, you’ve made your own self a very small and insecure man. You can go ahead and lash out with your asinine comments, I won’t be responding to you. So say what you want. In all of your delusions of self proclaimed intelligence, you lost the ability to communicate with other people.