The beliefs and values of modern America have become so strange and backwards that trying to think about them all at the same time is like filling a blender with the most ridiculous things you can find and trying to convince yourself that the end result tastes better than it looks.
As colleges all across the country are beginning to implement rules and regulations that stomp all over the rights of students and the constitution as a whole, many of the students are not only grateful that it’s happening, but they feel that it’s a major victory.
In a video you can watch on the next page, the Vice President of the University of Missouri Student Association answered questions from an MSNBC news anchor about concerns that American colleges are becoming places of “prohibition”.
Her response is not only an example of the dangerous road that this country is currently heading down, she skipped all the usual phases of idiocy and went right for full blown stupidity.
Watch her response on the next page.
They are healthy as a horse they can pay their student loan. I went to school and sacrifice myself, from school to work and from to my study room , slept only 3 to 4 hours. Instead having a rally why they will not got fast food restaurants and start washing dishes to earn a living.
Don’t like the 1st Amendment?? Go to another country where they have none.
Your day will come, you pathetic un-Americans!
Idiots! The 1st amendment gives you the right to say what you are saying! Bunch of Commies!
Maybe they would be satisfied if they lived in Africa ??They are never satisfied !!!
live somewhere else then
Oh get real, those aren’t the beliefs or anything else of modern America. These are misfits who have no idea of what they’re talking about…or how they would fare in a country without a Constitution and the protections it provides. Stupidity runs rampant among people like that and they really should leave this land of ours and go elsewhere.
DO NOT HIRE ANY STUDENTS FROM MIZZOU. You are wasting your time with these.
send ’em back where they belong
I’m tired of the first amendment so someone shut my mouth for me.