As student journalists attempted to cover a hunger strike at the University of Missouri, they were greeted by liberal lunacy in the form of physical altercations with protestors and mob style force. This created two things that run contradicting to their cause. They’re practicing their first amendment right to voice their opinion, and the reporters are practicing their first amendment right to cover the situation. Also, how will other people know what these protestors are trying to accomplish if the media isn’t allowed to spread the word?
All of this is due to the growing racial fault line created by Obama and his administration of crows. Ironically, without the first amendment that these student protestors feel is creating a hostile and unsafe place to learn, they wouldn’t be able to organize protests or even say that last comment. This goes to show how dangerous a college education can be, these days. During a time when young people should be developing their own thoughts and opinions on things, they’re being brainwashed by liberal professors and a left leaning government that doesn’t care as much as they think.