From the sound of it, the police are taking Schierbecker’s allegations very seriously. Indeed, there is a very real possibility that Click and the former Associate Dean may be arrested if law enforcement determines there is merit to the student’s complaint. Breitbart reports:
“‘He’s filed his complaint and we are investigating it,’ Weimer tells Breitbart News Thursday afternoon, adding that each case is unique so there is no set time on when the next step could occur following the investigation.
‘I have not read everything in it. I don’t know what the investigator is specifically doing, but they will read it, depends on what’s been reported. They’ll look into it to see if charges are applicable and they’ll go forward,’ he said.
Weimer explained the process that follows after a police report is initially filed. ‘A report is filed and it’s investigated. If a crime is determined then either an arrest may be made, a warrant request may be made, a number of things can happen,’ he said.”
This is what happens when liberals convince themselves that the only civil rights that matter are their own. In their view, if somebody does something that you don’t like, you not only have the right but an obligation to make them stop. Maybe some time in jail will make Professor Click see how this plays out when it is applied to her, and not just people she disapproves of.