Mitt Romney continues to swing at Donald Trump, and continues to fail at derailing his momentum.
Speaking at a dinner for GOP members earlier this week, the 2012 Republican nominee took another swipe at the current party frontrunner. The jab comes sometime after more pronounced criticism made by the former Massachusetts governor.
Whereas before Romney attacked Trump’s policy proposals and ideas, the governor stooped particularly low in his newest attack on the candidate. Not content with simply belittling Trump on a personal level, he went out of his way to belittle his loved ones.
Read more about Romney’s crude remarks on the next page:
Calling attention to the fact that Trump has been married to several women who were born in different countries, Romney reportedly mocked them for being romantically involved with the real estate tycoon. Astonishingly, he is said to have joked, “It turns out that there really are jobs Americans won’t do” in reference to this fact.
Again, the hypocrisy of both Republican insiders and the media are exposed for all to see. If it was Trump who uttered this or anything even remotely close to it, they would be throwing a massive hissy-fit. But if Romney says it, that’s okay, it’s just a joke, no harm no foul:
“Two of Trump’s three wives were from other countries. Ivana, Trump’s first wife, was born in Czechoslovakia and Trump’s current wife Melania is from Slovenia.
Trump previously took a swipe at Romney, questioning whether or not Romney was Mormon during a campaign rally in Utah.”
Source: Breitbart
Look up looser in the dictionary and there’s a picture of Romney, you lost the election to Obama, go away loser
Romney, just shut your looser mouth, had your chance twice so just shut it
I don’t give a damn about the education, experience, lifestyle choices, attitude or attractiveness of the First Lady. I don’t vote for a First Lady, I vote for the best person to further my conservative beliefs and return America to the rule of law. The person who is best for President.
Romney, SHUT UP, you lost your run for president so but out.
Nitwit mitt is just pissy,no supermodel would ever give him a second look
I am so disappointed in Mitt Romney.
Hey coward Romney I guess you feel that way for all the men who fought for our country who have married a foreign woman.She is a very educated woman and an asset to our country, what makes your American made wife any better then his wife.
Romney needs to sit down an shut up!
Romney’s a disgusting sore loser