Earlier this week, Donald Trump condemned the KKK, Nazis, and white supremacists groups in the strongest possible terms. He also condemned leftist violence from groups like Antifa.
That second bit is getting him into quite a bit of trouble.
You see, condemning Antifa has been portrayed one of two ways by the media: You’re either trying to defend white supremacy or you’re trying to use the organization as a distraction.
For that reason, most politicians have avoided the political minefield associated with Antifa altogether.
But not Mitt Romney.
This week, Romney tweeted out a direct reference to the leftist group — but it wasn’t the forceful condemnation that they deserve. Instead, it was quite the opposite.
See Romney’s tweets on the next page:
BS Obama Bush Bush Clinton all used these kinds of people to bring down dozens of countries we will not go silenced in the night democrats keep your racist there place on make America great again for racists
And this dumb MFer is a Mormon???
Omg, I cannot believe he actually said that
P**s off Mitt, KKK=violence and hate. Anti-fa=hate and violence. BLM= violence and hate….. They all =suck$#%&!@*people, kinda like you.
Been in office to long needs to go
Cruz is just as bad, we no longer have any representation in Washington, One of those days when a nuclear attack on the capital seems like it would be a blessing
Who is supporting Nazis.? Antifa is communist affiliated. Lenin /Marxist. Soros who funds those is a$#%&!@*corraborator. What else does Mitt not understand