Earlier this week, Donald Trump condemned the KKK, Nazis, and white supremacists groups in the strongest possible terms. He also condemned leftist violence from groups like Antifa.
That second bit is getting him into quite a bit of trouble.
You see, condemning Antifa has been portrayed one of two ways by the media: You’re either trying to defend white supremacy or you’re trying to use the organization as a distraction.
For that reason, most politicians have avoided the political minefield associated with Antifa altogether.
But not Mitt Romney.
This week, Romney tweeted out a direct reference to the leftist group — but it wasn’t the forceful condemnation that they deserve. Instead, it was quite the opposite.
See Romney’s tweets on the next page:
Mitt ain’t fit. He’s a very poor loser.
shut up Romney. Never spoke when you needed to, now you trying to be relevant.
This dude ran for President and people hate Trump????
Keith Ciaccio one thumb didn’t cut it!
Mitt Romney is as racist as they come.
The establishment politicians are no better than their democrat and liberal progressive counterparts. Corrupt, dishonest and unethical.
This whole week has been about misdirection.
The Russia collusion conspiracy against President Donald Trump wasn’t working. So the progressive left/mainstream media cabal began writing the president they live to hate into into another narrative, one that would be so stunning, it would make us forget that they dropped the Russian ruse.
Sadly, Ignorance still abounds in our society. And way to many people are to easily lead by others who prey on emotion and not cognitive thought.
Something that many democrats, liberal progressives and establishment politicians don’t understand (and never will). Is that their socialistic vision for our Republic is not, and never will be compatible with the rest of us.
It will definitely get nastier before it gets better.
We have people in government (in both parties) who have been in power for so long that they consider themselves as some kind of royalty caste, with the rest of us just here to fund their lifestyle.
Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.
Way to many people have been leaching off this government for so long that the only way they will go is kicking and screaming.
What many of the left also do not understand is that “we” will not put up with seditious behavior. And what many democrats, liberal progressives and establishment politicians are doing/advocating is crossing the line into sedition.
Openly encouraging others to break the law and behave illegally (because they can’t win through the polls). Which sadly, many on the left don’t seem to have any problems with doing. And many in the media (and Hollywood) are just as eagerly ready to help them in trying to deceive the public.
This mindset of the left is one of the reasons this country is so screwed up and why the swamp is so well established. And why it is going to take work and time to drain it. For a long time we have unwittingly allowed liberal progressives to educate/indoctrinate our young by letting them run/control our country’s educational system and colleges for over fifty five plus years. We are seeing the results of this today.
The sad part is that the left doesn’t think any of their games are going to effect them or their lifestyles. They don’t realize, and/or maybe don’t even care, what may happen if this country is destroyed.
Trumps election didn’t create the left’s hate.
It exposed it.
And they are showing us, every day, exactly who and what they are really are. And how low they are capable of going.
His career was already in the tank but he is done now what an idiot
Antifa IS the bigoted racist FASCIST$#%&!@*S you RINO piece of c**p. Looks as though this hypocritical wackoff is starting his campaign early.
Same coin different side