Mitch McConnell Moves To Grant Obama Unlimited War Powers With No Expiration Date, No Geographic Restrictions

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell is fast tracking a bill through the Senate which would grant Obama unlimited authority in the deployment of US ground forces.

“The Authorization for Use of Military Force put for­ward by Mc­Con­nell would not re­strict the pres­id­ent’s use of ground troops, nor have any limits related to time or geo­graphy,” Defense One reported.

In other words, the authorization allows the president to deploy the military anywhere at his discretion – both foreign and domestic – for as long as he wants.

Several senators, including Sen­ate Ma­jor­ity Whip John Cornyn, were surprised by McDonnell’s decision to fast-track the bill after a year of deep in-fighting over similar measures in the Senate.

Source: Info Wars

McConnell was apprehensive about granting Obama this kind of authority just last month. Some Senate Democrats had their own concerns about the scope of the bill, as well.

After sit­ting on the pres­id­ent’s pro­posed AUMF for nearly a year, amid deep in­fight­ing in the Sen­ate over the meas­ure, Mc­Con­nell’s move came as a sur­prise to many mem­bers. Just in Decem­ber, Mc­Con­nell dis­missed the idea of bring­ing up a new au­thor­iz­a­tion, telling re­port­ers: “It’s clear the pres­id­ent does not have a strategy in place, so it would be hard to fig­ure out how to au­thor­ize a non-strategy.”

Sen­ate For­eign Re­la­tions Chair­man Bob Cork­er said that there is still a “wide di­versity” of opin­ions on the is­sue. Some Demo­crats were crit­ic­al of even the pres­id­ent’s own draft AUMF, warn­ing that they’d need ad­di­tion­al re­stric­tions from the ad­min­is­tra­tion on troop levels and geo­graph­ic bound­ar­ies be­fore they could sup­port any au­thor­iz­a­tion. Re­pub­lic­ans, mean­while, wor­ried deeply about re­strict­ing the pres­id­ent as this ad­min­is­tra­tion, and the next one, work to com­bat IS­IS.

Source: Defense One

The bill would also grant the next sitting President with these same powers.

Rather than being a favor to President Obama, this is primarily a means to ensure that whoever takes control in 2017 receives a blank check for unrestrained militarism with no expiration date. This is terrifying.

…Obama is still carrying out his illegal war on ISIS with barely a peep from our incredibly corrupt and useless Congress. Indeed, the only thing Congress is scheming to do is to ensure the next President receives a blank check for perpetual war.

Source: Liberty Blitzkrieg

The implications of the passage of such a bill are dire and place the longevity of our democracy at serious risk. On the one hand, if this bill is passed Obama could force the suspension of the presidential election indefinitely. On the other hand the next sitting President, who could very well be Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton, would retain these same powers to use at their discretion.

The threat to our liberty is serious. “These are the times that try men’s souls,” said Thomas Paine. Indeed.

Let’s hope we actually see another presidential election. Many have surmised that Obama will pull some sort of false flag operation in order to suspend the next election and become a dictator. Even Ben Carson has issued warnings to that effect.



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