In an effort to curb speeding, Missouri is now shooting high-intensity waves of sound at 153 decibles at people who are allegedly speeding. Yes, that’s right, people who are allegedly speeding are having sound waves blasted at them while driving at high speeds. Another “genius” move by the government! The LRAD system is normally used on the battlefield, but now like many other military machines, is being used on American streets.
and the cameras at all the intersections..
Dumb mother f.,., rs, roads are dangerous already.
and anyone from the government wanting to round up people for a FEMA camp.
That seems logical. Just what I want to do, p**s my pants BEFORE I wreck!! David Steves, I’d hang em in a short tree, they’re dumb enough it would still work!!
? What
This is what all of those big new towers with the triangles on top are for. They can cause headaches, stress, irregular heart beats, anger, anxiety, heart attack and stroke… This is what they are willing to ADMIT to.
Sounding off a cannon is to get people to be trained to ignore the real thing.