Although Missouri Dem. Gov. Jay Nixon called a state of emergency and activated the National Guard to prepare for the grand jury announcement on officer Wilson, he didn’t end up using them last night.
So the city was torn apart as property was destroyed and nearby businesses were looted and burned down.
Why did this happen? Why were these rioters allowed to create mayhem?
Obama takes guns away from guard. How sick.
The National Guard is under direct command of the Governor of the state. The President does not command them unless they are temporarily federalized. So who really stopped them.
state politicos …..SUCKING “O” ***k…. I guess it’s alright if they love the taste of ………….sperm
No not Obama? he wouldn’t do anything to aid the rioters! LOL his people promoted this mess, diversion…don’t take your eyes off the pea!
Why is it that when a black male commits a crime the whole nation goes up in a rage of anger when he gets confronted by the law and after he is aggressive towards the law he dies because he was aggressive. Does the black community think the world is going to stand by and wait for him to turn himself in for the crime he committed on someone else that led to his demise? Its our problem according to Obama that we need to fix on how criminals who get killed by police. Bottom line he (Mike Brown) placed himself in a conflict that led to his death. Why have I not heard throughout all of this from the black community that Mike committed a crime and started the ball rolling to cause his own death? Can a black answer to me how it is racism if a black commits crimes and expects to have no punishment and if he becomes aggressive he gets shot and killed. Black cops kill black youth and blacks owned slaves in South Carolina prior to and during the civil war. Census records document this and are public records. I for one am tired of being called a racists if I feel no sorrow for a black youth who commits a crime dies. Big news people it happens to whites too.
this governor should step down after listening to this fool of a so callled president obama and holder
OBozo and Holder are in sync with those rotten jackasses Sharpton and Jackson! All these $#%&!@*s ought to hang upside down!
7/18- Jimmie Norman, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/18- Terry Taylor, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/17- Cindy Raygoza, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
7/11- Luis Aguilar, 91 year old hispanic male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/10- Brittany Simpson, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
7/6- Sarah Goode, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
7/6- Jeffrey Westerfield, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/5- Perry Renn, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/3- Laurey Kennedy, white female still in coma from beating by black male. No national news
7/3 Eric Mollet, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/2 Rupert Anderson, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/2 Jennifer Kingeter, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
6/30 Jim Brennan, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/29 Paul Shephard, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/27 Shirley Barone, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/27 Penelope Spencer, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/27 Inga Evans, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/26 Jake Rameau, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/25 Gina Burger, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/24 Nathan Dasher, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/22 Jonathan Price, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/20 John Whitmore, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/18 John Yingling,white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/17 Allyn Reeves, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/15 Michael Beaver, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/11 Angela Cook, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/11 Nathan Hall, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/7 Harry Briggs, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/5 Laura Bachman, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/2 Robert Mohler, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/1 William Headley, white male, murdered by black male. No national news
Just saying!!
This just may to hard for some Americans to figure out.